This is unofficial docker image with RIPE Atlas Tools based on Alpine base image.
One can use this to quickly bring up RIPE Atlas Tools without installating any dependencies and running measurements. Image is on dockerhub here
Make sure you have a RIPE Account and hosting a RIPE Atlas hardware or software probe. That way you would have credits to use RIPE Atlas platform. Incase you aren't hosting but still would like to try then create a RIPE Account & drop me a message with the email ID you used for creating account. I will add some credit so you can play around.
Besides RIPE Account with credit, you need docker engine installed to use this container.
First initialise config. This will keep container in one off use mode & will remove after use. It will store data on your docker host machine at ~/.config
docker run --rm -it --name ripe-atlas-tools -v ~/.config:/root/.config anuragbhatia/ripe-atlas-tools ripe-atlas configure --init
Next, create an API key in your RIPE Atlas account (instructions here) and add it in your config
docker run --rm -it --name ripe-atlas-tools -v ~/.config:/root/.config anuragbhatia/ripe-atlas-tools ripe-atlas configure --set authorisation.create=YOUR_API_KEY
Now you are ready to run measurements from CLI. For detailed instructions checkout RIPE Atlas Tools official documentation here.
You do not need to! Explore alias in your shell. If you are using fish, you add an alias as:
alias ripe-atlas='docker run --rm -v ~/.config:/root/.config -it anuragbhatia/ripe-atlas-tools ripe-atlas'
funcsave ripe-atlas
Here's an example of traceroute to from RIPE Atlas probes in the US
IPv4 traceroute:
docker run --rm -v ~/.config:/root/.config -it anuragbhatia/ripe-atlas-tools ripe-atlas measure traceroute --from-country us --af 4 --target
Looking good! Your measurement was created and details about it can be found here:
Connecting to stream...
Probe #29383
Sat Feb 06 17:30:33 UTC 2021
1 0.837 ms 1.383 ms 0.575 ms
2 4.525 ms 4.734 ms 4.779 ms
Probe #51365
Sat Feb 06 17:30:34 UTC 2021
1 1.302 ms 0.804 ms 0.781 ms
2 1.467 ms 1.23 ms 1.3 ms
3 8.245 ms 8.351 ms 8.339 ms
4 19.726 ms 19.589 ms 19.559 ms
5 15.906 ms 17.511 ms 16.135 ms
6 14.576 ms 14.56 ms 14.527 ms
7 15.07 ms 14.693 ms 14.906 ms
8 52.05 ms 52.086 ms 52.044 ms
9 65.628 ms 75.164 ms 52.127 ms
10 52.403 ms 52.436 ms 52.342 ms
Probe #33109
Sat Feb 06 17:30:34 UTC 2021
1 1.59 ms 0.516 ms 0.455 ms
2 2.886 ms 2.728 ms 2.758 ms
3 8.328 ms 24.902 ms 4.483 ms
4 3.248 ms 3.291 ms 3.459 ms
5 3.248 ms 3.397 ms 3.293 ms
6 2.977 ms 3.297 ms 3.328 ms
7 21.329 ms 22.242 ms 21.263 ms
8 80.815 ms 48.21 ms 21.781 ms
9 21.866 ms 21.703 ms 21.771 ms
(and more!)
IPv6 traceroute:
docker run --rm -v ~/.config:/root/.config -it anuragbhatia/ripe-atlas-tools ripe-atlas measure traceroute --from-country us --af 6 --target
Looking good! Your measurement was created and details about it can be found here:
Connecting to stream...
Probe #52590
Sat Feb 06 17:32:16 UTC 2021
1 2606:5d00:1000:1::1 13.051 ms 7.423 ms 1.573 ms
2 2606:5d00::1 1.562 ms 1.476 ms 1.511 ms
3 2606:5d00::3 1.641 ms 1.516 ms 1.506 ms
4 2001:504:45:f3e8::1f 1.712 ms 1.764 ms 1.715 ms
5 2001:470:0:576::2 10.081 ms 9.532 ms 9.54 ms
6 2001:470:0:217::1 12.284 ms 12.279 ms 12.264 ms
7 2001:470:0:564::1 31.754 ms 22.858 ms 44.155 ms
8 2001:470:0:4b4::2 25.383 ms 25.42 ms 25.525 ms
9 2001:470:0:4b6::1 34.078 ms 34.018 ms 34.245 ms
10 2001:470:0:243::1 48.785 ms 49.145 ms 48.877 ms
11 2001:470:0:1a7::1 56.992 ms 59.913 ms 65.193 ms
12 2001:470:0:503::2 50.952 ms 50.894 ms 51.087 ms
Probe #10377
Sat Feb 06 17:32:16 UTC 2021
1 2603:7080:7800:84:8a1f:a1ff:fe2b:130a 1.672 ms 0.792 ms 1.259 ms
2 2604:6000:400:1d::1 10.442 ms 14.649 ms 11.991 ms
3 2604:6000:0:4:0:2003:0:15da 12.938 ms 18.674 ms 15.491 ms
4 2604:6000:0:4:0:2003:0:1734 11.945 ms 11.88 ms 23.331 ms
5 * * * *
6 2001:1998:0:8::12 38.924 ms 37.908 ms 38.148 ms
7 2001:1998:0:4::519 38.115 ms 34.324 ms 34.468 ms
8 2001:470:0:2a0::1 38.164 ms 37.687 ms 36.946 ms
9 2001:470:0:296::2 98.632 ms 83.337 ms 86.198 ms
10 2001:470:0:1a7::1 88.598 ms 91.168 ms 90.403 ms
11 2001:470:0:503::2 85.492 ms 84.223 ms 84.247 ms
Probe #55360
Sat Feb 06 17:32:16 UTC 2021
1 2600:1700:5b70:3398::a70:1 1.154 ms 0.872 ms 0.928 ms
2 2001:506:6000:11b:69:235:122:64 3.036 ms 2.801 ms 1.543 ms
3 2001:506:6000:11b:71:156:215:77 5.73 ms 2.48 ms 2.085 ms
4 * * * 4.783 ms
5 2001:470:0:369::1 5.187 ms 5.218 ms 5.263 ms
6 2001:470:0:1a7::1 434.625 ms 479.62 ms 508.061 ms
7 2001:470:0:503::2 7.443 ms 5.243 ms 6.837 ms
(and more!)