This repo uses the a8s-deployment repo as a submodule.
To correctly initialize it, either clone this repo with the --recurse-submodules
flag or invoke
git submodule update --init
after cloning.
Otherwise, some of the commands shown in this file will fail (loudly and without side effects).
Before installing the a8s framework we need to ensure that the relevant configuration files for
the a8s-backup-manager are there. More precisely, we need to create individual files in the
directory which are used to configure the external object
store with its corresponding authentication credentials as well as an encryption key for the backup.
# create file that stores the ID of the key
echo <bucket-access-key-id> > a8s-deployment/deploy/a8s/backup-config/access-key-id
# create file that stores the secret value of the key
echo <bucket-secret-access-key> > a8s-deployment/deploy/a8s/backup-config/secret-access-key
# create file that stores password for backup encryption
echo <encryption password> > a8s-deployment/deploy/a8s/backup-config/encryption-password
# create file with other information about the bucket
cp a8s-deployment/deploy/a8s/backup-config/backup-store-config.yaml.template a8s-deployment/deploy/a8s/backup-config/backup-store-config.yaml
The last file from the previous command contains the cloud provider, name and region of the bucket where the backups will be stored. It looks like:
provider: "AWS"
container: a8s-shared-backups
region: eu-central-1
You'll need to set the values of the three fields to match the bucket ("container" in the file) where you want the backups to be stored.
If we want to install the a8s data services framework using the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)
we also need to ensure that the operator-sdk
binary is present on our machine. If this is not the
case follow the official OLM installation instructions to install the
operator-sdk binary.
Some steps in this demo use the watch command. If you use Linux it's installed by
default so you already have it. If you use macOS and don't have the watch
command, follow
these instructions to install it.
There are two methods to install the a8s data services framework. One is by applying static yaml files and the other one is by using the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). The main benefit of using the OLM for installation is that it can lifecycle manage the Operators. This makes it the preferred installation method but requires the installation of the OLM components. The static yaml manifests approach is GitOps compatible and does not have any specific requirements.
The OLM installation can be customized (if needed) according to the official OLM documentation
When we want to install the a8s framework using static yaml files we need to install the cert-manager first. The cert-manager is responsible for generating certificates for validating, defaulting and CRD conversion webhooks.
The following command will install the cert-manager and wait for the cert-manager to be fully initialized.
kubectl apply --kustomize a8s-deployment/deploy/cert-manager
watch kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager
We should get something similar to the following output:
Every 2,0s: kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager
cert-manager-5bb9dd7d5d-xjzcz 1/1 Running 0 22s
cert-manager-cainjector-6586bddc69-68mz2 1/1 Running 0 22s
cert-manager-webhook-6fc8f4666b-jwp5t 1/1 Running 0 22s
Next we want to install the a8s data services framework by running the following command:
kubectl apply --kustomize a8s-deployment/deploy/a8s/manifests
This will create a new namespace a8s-system
and deploy all the required resources.
Now we can run the following command to get all pods from the a8s-system namespace.
watch kubectl get pods --namespace a8s-system
After running the command above we should see something similar to the output below.
Every 2,0s: kubectl get pods --namespace a8s-system
a8s-backup-controller-manager-5f5587d564-w7k9k 2/2 Running 0 40s
postgresql-controller-manager-668686f64d-6pzqs 2/2 Running 0 40s
service-binding-controller-manager-644d94dfd4-vhxdd 2/2 Running 0 40s
Afterwards the a8s data services framework has been successfully installed, and we can proceed with provisioning a PostgreSQL instance.
In order to install the a8s data services framework using the OLM we need to install the OLM components in our cluster. We can do this by executing
operator-sdk olm install
We should see an output similar to:
NAME NAMESPACE KIND STATUS CustomResourceDefinition Installed CustomResourceDefinition Installed CustomResourceDefinition Installed CustomResourceDefinition Installed CustomResourceDefinition Installed CustomResourceDefinition Installed CustomResourceDefinition Installed CustomResourceDefinition Installed
olm Namespace Installed
operators Namespace Installed
olm-operator-serviceaccount olm ServiceAccount Installed
system:controller:operator-lifecycle-manager ClusterRole Installed
olm-operator-binding-olm ClusterRoleBinding Installed
cluster OLMConfig Installed
olm-operator olm Deployment Installed
catalog-operator olm Deployment Installed
aggregate-olm-edit ClusterRole Installed
aggregate-olm-view ClusterRole Installed
global-operators operators OperatorGroup Installed
olm-operators olm OperatorGroup Installed
packageserver olm ClusterServiceVersion Installed
operatorhubio-catalog olm CatalogSource Installed
Afterwards we can proceed with deploying the a8s data services framework using OLM which will create:
- the namespace a8s-system.
- a CatalogSource referencing the a8s catalog which contains references to our operators
- an OperatorGroup a8s-operators linked to the a8s-system namespace, which can be used to adjust general permission for all operators in that group.
- a Subscription to the a8s postgresql-operator. A Subscription indicates our desire to have the operator installed to the cluster, the OLM will then fetch the bundle of the PostgreSQL operator and its dependencies, which includes the a8s-backup-manager and a8s-service-binding-controller. These bundles then contain the instructions for the OLM to create the same resources as explained in the manifest section.
Execute the following command to install the a8s data services framework using the OLM:
kubectl apply --kustomize a8s-deployment/deploy/a8s/olm
The command shown above should result in the following output:
namespace/a8s-system created
configmap/a8s-backup-store-config created
secret/a8s-backup-storage-credentials created created created created created created
Validate that the a8s data services framework is indeed up and running by executing:
watch kubectl get pods --namespace a8s-system
which should result in an output similar to:
Every 2,0s: kubectl get pods --namespace a8s-system
8ef9d6a74174cd9664a8a0bdb91b9c991fd713f469b5fc6658d7f720cfsgqlw 0/1 Completed 0 102s
a8s-backup-controller-manager-5c57596f76-7gdcs 2/2 Running 0 76s
a8s-catalog-gsv7x 1/1 Running 0 2m28s
aacb381f93e45e9198287c063e664db8ed96d7daa2fd18ba4c32b6926b8vwrp 0/1 Completed 0 102s
c5a1cc8d0df8f0213ced974b8508821ddc1fd7d20cccc4c9dcdacaa16f2xtkh 0/1 Completed 0 102s
postgresql-controller-manager-5dcd6cbbfd-tprxj 2/2 Running 0 73s
service-binding-controller-manager-6948fbd679-mcdbx 2/2 Running 0 71s
Now that the a8s data services framework is up and running we can proceed by creating a new PostgreSQL instance and using it with a demo application.
If we want to create a new PostgreSQL instance we can simply apply a manifest. We should first execute the following command and show that manifest:
cat a8s-deployment/examples/postgresql-instance.yaml
Then, we can apply the manifest to create the instance:
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/postgresql-instance.yaml
In case we have a multi node Kubernetes cluster running which consists of 3 or more nodes and specific node labels are set, we can showcase the topology awareness functionality of our PostgreSQL Operator where each PostgreSQL instance Pod is placed on its own node. This is risky though because there are a lot of potential pitfalls. If you really want to showcase that functionality follow the a8s-deployment documentation.
The command above will create a PostgreSQL instance which consists of 3 replicas. Now we have to wait until the PostgreSQL cluster members are up and running. Run the following command to see the number of ready replicas.
watch kubectl get postgresql sample-pg-cluster --output template='{{.status}}'
We should wait until the number of ready replicas matches the number of replicas specified in the spec of the PostgreSQL Custom Resource we applied.
# Output of the watch command shown above
Every 2,0s: kubectl get postgresql sample-pg-cluster --output template={{.status}}
map[clusterStatus:Running readyReplicas:3]
When deploying a PostgreSQL instance for the first time this can take a while as all the container images need to be pulled from an external registry first. Once the container images have been pulled they are cached on the Kubernetes node and subsequent instance creations will be a lot faster.
Next we want to deploy a PostgreSQL demo app (a9s-postgresql-app
) that will
use the new PostgreSQL instance to store data.
Show its manifest via this command:
cat demo-postgresql-app/demo-app-deployment.yaml
First, we need to create a service binding resource that will configure a user for the demo app in the PostgreSQL database and store the credentials for that user in a Kubernetes API secret.
Show its manifest first:
cat a8s-deployment/examples/service-binding.yaml
Then, apply:
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/service-binding.yaml
We can check on the status of the service binding by using:
watch kubectl get servicebinding sb-sample --output template='{{.status.implemented}}'
and should get
Every 2,0s: kubectl get servicebinding sb-sample --output template={{.status.implemented}}
as a result.
The a8s-service-binding-controller creates a secret which contains the credentials for the
PostgreSQL user that has been created. This secret is named by the
field with
as a suffix. The secret will then be mounted in the demo application in order to
actually use the service binding user. We can fetch the secret by executing:
kubectl get secret sb-sample-service-binding -o yaml
this command should result in an output similar to:
apiVersion: v1
database: <database>
instance_service: <instance_name>
password: <password>
username: <username>
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2022-10-20T07:58:11Z"
service-binding: "true"
name: sb-sample-service-binding
namespace: default
- apiVersion:
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: ServiceBinding
name: sb-sample
uid: f00643ed-d4aa-4abb-8155-506878df1630
resourceVersion: "6850"
uid: 1c1f5bd8-b8eb-4845-8f89-cf0e3d8120bb
type: Opaque
Now we can proceed with deploying the demo application:
kubectl apply --kustomize demo-postgresql-app/
watch kubectl get pods --selector app=demo-app
should result in something like:
Every 2.0s: kubectl get pods --selector app=demo-app
demo-app-796d8f6f86-rtdtm 1/1 Running 0 24h
If we want to use a port-forward to access the demo applications dashboard, execute the following command:
kubectl port-forward service/demo-app 3000:3000
and then
open http://localhost:3000
to open the dashboard.
Create a new blog post entry by clicking on the "Create Post" button in the top right corner.
Next we'll create a backup of the current state of the database with our single blog post.
Show the manifest first:
cat a8s-deployment/examples/backup.yaml
Then apply it:
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/backup.yaml
In order to wait for the backup to complete we can execute:
kubectl wait backup backup-sample --for=condition=complete
which should eventually result in condition met
To test the restore functionality, we'll first create another blog entry and then restore to the latest backup (which doesn't have the newly added entry).
Show the manifest first:
cat a8s-deployment/examples/restore.yaml
Then apply it:
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/restore.yaml
Just as for the backup we also need to wait here for the restore to complete:
kubectl wait restore recovery-sample --for=condition=complete
which should eventually result in: condition met
Due to some limitations of PostgreSQL in combination with the metrics exporter we use, the PostgreSQL replication leader Pod needs to be restarted for the restore to take effect. This causes the demo application to stop working until the Pod is up and running again. So please wait for 15-20 seconds before reloading the dashboard (otherwise nothing bad happens, it is just that the dashboard will be unaccessible). Afterwards we can reload the dashboard of the demo application and we should see that the second blog post entry we previously created has been removed.
We can delete an existing PostgreSQL instance by executing:
kubectl delete --filename a8s-deployment/examples/postgresql-instance.yaml
Deletion is performed by scaling down the number of PostgreSQL replicas to 0. In order to show this behavior perform:
watch kubectl get postgresql sample-pg-cluster --output template='{{.status.readyReplicas}}'
and you should see that the number of replicas decreases.
To demonstrate the automated failover capabilities of our PostgreSQL instances, we first need to create a PostgreSQL instance by executing
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/postgresql-instance.yaml
and wait for it to become ready
watch kubectl get postgresql sample-pg-cluster --output template='{{.status}}'
As soon as all of our 3 replicas become ready we can proceed by checking which of our pods is currently the replication leader:
watch kubectl get pods --selector a8s.a9s/replication-role=master
which should give an output similar to
Every 2,0s: kubectl get pods --selector a8s.a9s/replication-role=master
sample-pg-cluster-0 3/3 Running 0 19m
Now we can proceed with forcing a failover from the replication leader to a replication standby. Unfortunately this does not work by simply deleting the Pod with the master label. Instead, we will use Patroni to force a failover. Open a new terminal and move both windows side by side (or use tmux) so that we can see the output of the watch command from above as well as the next command we will execute.
kubectl exec --stdin --tty sample-pg-cluster-0 --container postgres -- /usr/local/bin/patronictl failover
which should result in:
Candidate ['sample-pg-cluster-1', 'sample-pg-cluster-2'] []:
Now we have to enter one of the standbys listed in the returned array (it doesn't matter which one we choose).
# Enter one of the replicas listed in the returned prompt from patronictl
Candidate ['sample-pg-cluster-1', 'sample-pg-cluster-2'] []: sample-pg-cluster-2
which should give us an output similar to
Current cluster topology
+ Cluster: sample-pg-cluster (7155482187446120565) -----+----+-----------+
| Member | Host | Role | State | TL | Lag in MB |
| sample-pg-cluster-0 | | Leader | running | 1 | |
| sample-pg-cluster-1 | | Replica | running | 1 | 0 |
| sample-pg-cluster-2 | | Replica | running | 1 | 0 |
Are you sure you want to failover cluster sample-pg-cluster, demoting current master sample-pg-cluster-0? [y/N]:
Now we need to enter y
in order to approve the failover. We should get something similar to
2022-10-18 07:37:26.90871 Successfully failed over to "sample-pg-cluster-2"
+ Cluster: sample-pg-cluster (7155482187446120565) -----+----+-----------+
| Member | Host | Role | State | TL | Lag in MB |
| sample-pg-cluster-0 | | Replica | stopped | | unknown |
| sample-pg-cluster-1 | | Replica | running | 1 | 0 |
| sample-pg-cluster-2 | | Leader | running | 1 | |
as a result, which indicates that the failover was successful. Furthermore, we should see in
our second terminal window that in the running watch command the Pod with the
has changed to the one we chose for our failover.
Our PostgreSQL Operator allows users to specify PostgreSQL configuration parameters in the manifest. This includes both bootstrapping a PostgreSQL instance with the desired configuration parameters as well as updating an existing instance. When the PostgreSQL configuration field is omitted a defaulting webhook will provide sane default values for the configuration parameters.
For the sake of simplicity we will create an instance with default configuration parameters, update that instance and then show that the new configuration parameters have been applied.
First we want to create an instance by executing:
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/postgresql-instance.yaml
and then wait for the instance to be ready:
watch kubectl get postgresql sample-pg-cluster --output template='{{.status}}'
Once the number of ready replicas matches the number of desired replicas we can proceed be showing
the current value of the max_connections
(which is 100 by default). We can do so by running
kubectl exec sample-pg-cluster-0 --container postgres -- "psql" "-U" "postgres" "-c" "SHOW max_connections;"
which will return
(1 row)
Now we can proceed by adding a maxConnections
parameter within the manifest of the PostgreSQL
instance. Add the following lines to the spec field of the manifest:
maxConnections: 120
afterwards the manifest should look like this:
kind: Postgresql
name: sample-pg-cluster
replicas: 3
volumeSize: 1Gi
version: 14
maxConnections: 120
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi
and re-apply the manifest:
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/postgresql-instance.yaml
now we can again execute
kubectl exec sample-pg-cluster-0 --container postgres -- "psql" "-U" "postgres" "-c" "SHOW max_connections;"
but this time we should get
(1 row)
as a result, which means that our desired value for the max_connections
configuration property has
been successfully applied.
One important feature of our PostgreSQL Operator is that it can install PostgreSQL extensions on-demand. This includes both the installation of extensions "on creation" of a PostgreSQL instance as well as adding extensions to an existing one. It is worth mentioning that the installation of PostgreSQL extensions is done via init-containers which means that when updating the list of extensions on an existing PostgreSQL instance a rolling update is triggered.
To showcase the extension management capabilities of the PostgreSQL Operator, we first create an instance without any extensions, check the total number of available extensions, update the instance manifest and then check again the total number of available extensions.
We will start by creating a new instance without any extensions installed:
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/postgresql-instance.yaml
and wait until all replicas are ready:
watch kubectl get postgresql sample-pg-cluster --output template='{{.status}}'
As soon as the PostgreSQL instance is ready (the number of ready replicas matches the number of desired replicas) we can get the list (and number) of available PostgreSQL extensions by executing:
kubectl exec sample-pg-cluster-0 --container postgres -- psql -U postgres -d a9s_apps_default_db -c "select * from pg_available_extensions;"
which should result in:
... Simplified as the output would be too big ...
pg_freespacemap | 1.2 | | examine the free space map (FSM)
pllua | 2.0 | | Lua as a procedural language
file_fdw | 1.0 | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
tablefunc | 1.0 | | functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
ltree_plpython3u | 1.0 | | transform between ltree and plpython3u
pgq_node | 3.4 | | Cascaded queue infrastructure
hll | 2.16 | | type for storing hyperloglog data
pgaudit | 1.6.2 | | provides auditing functionality
plpgsql_check | 2.1 | | extended check for plpgsql functions
hstore_pllua | 1.0 | | Hstore transform for Lua
refint | 1.0 | | functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
insert_username | 1.0 | | functions for tracking who changed a table
postgis-3 | 3.2.1 | | PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
pg_surgery | 1.0 | | extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
postgis_topology | 3.2.1 | | PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
hstore_plluau | 1.0 | | Hstore transform for untrusted Lua
(97 rows)
As we can see we currently have 97 available PostgreSQL extensions. Now we will update the manifest of our instance to install two extensions. Add the following lines to the spec field in the manifest:
- "MobilityDB"
- "pg-qualstats"
which should result in:
kind: Postgresql
name: sample-pg-cluster
replicas: 3
volumeSize: 1Gi
version: 14
- "MobilityDB"
- "pg-qualstats"
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi
Now we need to apply this change
kubectl apply --filename a8s-deployment/examples/postgresql-instance.yaml
to update the existing PostgreSQL instance. By re-running
kubectl exec sample-pg-cluster-0 --container postgres -- psql -U postgres -d a9s_apps_default_db -c "select * from pg_available_extensions;"
we should get
pg_freespacemap | 1.2 | | examine the free space map (FSM)
pllua | 2.0 | | Lua as a procedural language
file_fdw | 1.0 | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
tablefunc | 1.0 | | functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
ltree_plpython3u | 1.0 | | transform between ltree and plpython3u
pgq_node | 3.4 | | Cascaded queue infrastructure
hll | 2.16 | | type for storing hyperloglog data
pgaudit | 1.6.2 | | provides auditing functionality
plpgsql_check | 2.1 | | extended check for plpgsql functions
hstore_pllua | 1.0 | | Hstore transform for Lua
refint | 1.0 | | functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
insert_username | 1.0 | | functions for tracking who changed a table
postgis-3 | 3.2.1 | | PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
pg_surgery | 1.0 | | extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
postgis_topology | 3.2.1 | | PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
hstore_plluau | 1.0 | | Hstore transform for untrusted Lua
mobilitydb | 1.0.0 | | MobilityDB Extension
pg_qualstats | 2.0.4 | | An extension collecting statistics about quals
(99 rows)
as a result which indicates that the two desired extensions are indeed installed. If we want to actually use those extensions we need to load them by running
kubectl exec sample-pg-cluster-0 --container postgres -- psql -U postgres -d a9s_apps_default_db -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "pg_qualstats";'
which should result in
WARNING: Without shared_preload_libraries, only current backend stats will be available.
which means that the extensions has been successfully loaded.
With a8s, we provide optional YAML manifests that deploy on the Kubernets cluster a logging stack to collect, store and analyze the logs of your data service instances and other pods running in the cluster.
The logging stack is based on three technologies:
- OpenSearch: a search and analytics engine to store and analyze logs.
- Fluentd: a centralized logs collector.
- FluentBit: a lightweight logs processor and forwarder.
More precisely, the logging stack comprises:
- A FluentBit DaemonSet that collects all the logs from the pods on every Kubernetes node and forwards them to a Fluentd aggregator.
- A StatefulSet that runs a Fluentd singleton that aggregates all the logs in the cluster.
- A StatefulSet that runs an OpenSearch singleton that stores all the logs (after having received them from the Fluentd aggregator) and exposes endpoints to query and analyze the logs.
- A Deployment that runs an OpenSearch dashboard singleton, which exposes a web dashboard to query and analyze the logs via a GUI.
Warning: The default OpenSearch config CAN cause issues on Minikube with a VM based driver as well as on most Kubernetes clusters on cloud infrastructure. A fix is described here.
In order to deploy the logging stack execute the following command:
kubectl apply --kustomize a8s-deployment/deploy/logging
which should return:
serviceaccount/a8s-opensearch-dashboards created
serviceaccount/fluent-bit created created created
configmap/fluent-bit-config-parser created
secret/a8s-fluentd-aggregator created
secret/fluent-bit-config created
secret/opensearch-cluster-config created
secret/opensearch-dashboards-config created
service/a8s-fluentd-aggregator created
service/a8s-opensearch-cluster created
service/a8s-opensearch-dashboards created
deployment.apps/a8s-opensearch-dashboards created
statefulset.apps/a8s-fluentd-aggregator created
statefulset.apps/a8s-opensearch-cluster created
daemonset.apps/fluent-bit created
Afterwards we will have to wait until the logging stack is up and running:
watch kubectl get pod --namespace a8s-system --selector=a8s.anynines/logging
The command shown above should eventually result in
Every 2,0s: kubectl get pod --namespace a8s-system --selector=a8s.anynines/logging
a8s-fluentd-aggregator-0 1/1 Running 0 13m
a8s-opensearch-cluster-0 1/1 Running 0 13m
a8s-opensearch-dashboards-c7fb84c76-wgmxq 1/1 Running 0 13m
fluent-bit-2dg86 1/1 Running 0 13m
fluent-bit-2j4zc 1/1 Running 0 13m
fluent-bit-5g7vx 1/1 Running 0 13m
fluent-bit-gwxnc 1/1 Running 0 13m
Use port-forward to connect to the OpenSearch Dashboard pod.
kubectl port-forward services/a8s-opensearch-dashboards 5601:443 -n a8s-system
Open the OpenSearch dashboard in Browser link in browser.
open http://localhost:5601
Select Add data
and then click on the ≡ icon in the top left hand corner. In the menu
select Stack management
in the Management
Select Index Patterns
Click on Create Index pattern
Create an index pattern for logstash-*
. And click > Next step
Select @timestamp
as a time filter field name. And then click Create index pattern
Go back to the discover tab.
The logs will be available to interact using your new filter.
Kubernetes provides out-of-the-box already control plane and container metrics
in Prometheus format. These metrics can be scraped at the /metrics
endpoint at
the Kubernetes API Server.
In order to scrape these logs we will deploy a Prometheus instance that is used to scrape the system metrics and store them in the internal database. Furthermore, we are going to deploy a Grafana dashboard which is able to query the Prometheus database and visualize the metrics in a metrics dashboard.
In the following, we will deploy and use Prometheus to scrape and store the metrics on the Kubernetes cluster. Furthermore, we will deploy and use Grafana to visualize the metrics scraped by Prometheus.
First we need to install the Prometheus deployment.
We need to give Prometheus certain permissions to access the /metrics endpoint.
These permissions are defined in the prometheus-permissions.yaml
Moreover, we configure the Prometheus instance with the
file that defines the endpoints that will be
scraped as well as the corresponding scrape interval. The Prometheus service
that is defined in the prometheus-service.yaml
is used by the Grafana
kubectl apply --recursive --filename a8s-deployment/deploy/metrics/
The a8s-system
namespace should now list pods prefixed with the name
and grafana
. Now we have to wait again until the Pods of the metrics
stack are up and running. We can check this by executing
watch kubectl get pod --namespace a8s-system --selector=a8s.anynines/metrics
The command shown above should eventually result in:
Every 2,0s: kubectl get pod --namespace a8s-system --selector=a8s.anynines/metrics
grafana-587c898984-ptsqx 1/1 Running 0 17m
prometheus-deployment-66dcdfd59d-n5fpv 1/1 Running 0 17m
In the following, we are going to use a Grafana dashboard to query the system metrics that are scraped by Prometheus and display them in a metrics dashboard.
It is configured in a way to periodically send queries to the Prometheus service. By default, Grafana does not come with any dashboards. If we want to use one we either need to define it ourselves or we can import an existing one from the Grafana Dashboards page using the Dashboard ID.
After Grafana has been deployed we want to access the Grafana dashboard, so we need a port-forward to the Grafana service:
kubectl port-forward --namespace a8s-system service/grafana 3000 &
Now the Grafana dashboard can be accessed using:
open http://localhost:3000
The default login credentials are admin
for both username and password.
Next we need to import a dashboard in order to visualize the Kubernetes system metrics that are scraped by the Prometheus instance.
Go to the "Dashboards" section in the left menu.
Then go to the Browse page.
Click on Import on the right-hand side.
Then Insert 8588
as the Dashboard ID and click on Load.
Choose Prometheus as the data source.
Now the imported metrics dashboard should visualize some of the metrics that are scraped by the Prometheus instance.
In case we want to show metrics of the Kubernetes API server we can use the pre build metrics
dashboard with the ID 12006
In order to demonstrate the a8s data services framework, we need the following things:
- Kubernetes to demonstrate the product on (best would be a cluster with 3-5 nodes)
- this repo that contains some yaml manifests
The images for the demo are currently stored on a publicly available AWS ECR registry,
- Actual usage of PostgreSQL extensions
- Add custom Grafana dashboard for our metrics
- Improve Master Failover by introduction ChaosMesh
- Compile a complete demo of PostgreSQL extensions that contains actual usage of the installed extension(s).