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Source code for the website of the APRIL research lab at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK. We work on efficient and reliable probabilistic ML in the wild.

How to contribute

This site harness Jekyll templates in github pages and their file-based model view. To add, change or remove a news/lab member/paper on the website, please open a pull request!

Edit lab members profiles

Each member in the lab is associated a markdown file under the _people folder. Find yourself there or create a new file.

Mandatory keys in a user profile are:

  • collection to be left to people
  • ref a string acting as a unique identifier (e.g., aver)
  • permalink a url in the form people/{ref}
  • name your full name
  • role your role in the lab (e.g., PI|PhD Student|Visitor|Postdoc|MRes Student|Research Assistant)
  • date proxy date (used to order people in the grid)
  • webpage your webpage url
  • image url to profile pic (can be stores in images/people/)

Optional keys are:

  • affiliation used for visitors/interns
  • firstsupervisor, secondsupervisor and cosupervisor to specify your supervisory team

Edit papers

Each paper listed in the website is associated a markdown file under the _publications folder. Simplest way to add a paper is to duplicate an already-existing entry and modify the values associated to the keys there.

Mandatory keys in a paper description are:

  • collection to be left to publications
  • ref a string acting as a unique identifier (e.g., vergari2021atlas)
  • permalink a url in the form publications/{ref}
  • title the complete paper title
  • date intended as a publication date (used to order papers)
  • tags a space-separated sequence of tags to classify the paper
  • authors a string with authors names, separated by comma
  • venue the publication venue (conference | journal name and year)
  • paperurl a webpage for the paper (can be the same as permalink)
  • excerpt a two-line summary of the paper

Optional keys are:

  • image link to a small preview image (you can upload it under images/papers/{ref})
  • pdf link to a publicly readable version of the paper
  • supplemental link to the paper supplemental material
  • code link to the code released with the paper
  • poster link to the paper poster
  • award to specify if the paper got an award (e.g. oral|spotlight|...)
  • video link to the paper video presentation or relative talk
  • abstract the paper abstract, as a single string
  • bibtex a string for the bibtex entry (mind to put <br/> tags for newlines)
  • spotlight a large image, to be used if the paper has to be features in the homepage (you can upload it under images/papers/{ref})

Additionally, you can write a free-form blog post about the paper in the markdown content section.

Edit news

Each news is associated a markdown file under the _news folder.

Mandatory keys in a paper description are:

  • collection to be left to news
  • permalink a url in the form news/{short-handle}
  • title the news title
  • date date of the news (used to order news)

The body of the news can be written in html/md in the markdown content section.

How to preview the website on your local machine

  1. Install Ruby (see Guides depending on OS)
  2. Clone the repo and move to it
git clone
  1. Install Jekyll
# Install jekyll related packages
gem install jekyll bundler
bundle add webrick
# Run the server
bundle exec jekyll serve
  1. Navigate to localhost:4000