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- 👻 Hi, I'm Arjav Dongaonkar, Software Developer from India
- 🐢 A full stack. Recent focus on Infra. Working as a Software Engineer at Turtlemint
- 🎓 Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering at IIIT Surat, GPA 8.71/10.0, TOP 5%.
- 🌱 Currently learning Linux, Java, Python, History & Philosophy.
- 📚 Reading 《Systems Performance 2nd Ed.》《BPF Performance Tools book》.
- 💻 With 3 years' development working experience, I love writing code and learn anythings about it.
- ✍🏻 I write my personal thoughts on Programming & Tech On Medium.
- 💬 Ask me anything about from Here
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]