I am a philomath, which means a lover of learning and studying. I love learning about various subjects, such as science & technology, new sports, or how to manage an organization more effectively. I have a strong curiosity regarding the unknown, like a child discovering the world.
I am a very disciplined and hard worker and always lead by example. I also consider myself a very organized and experimental person. I hate being in a comfortable position, and I am always trying to push myself to unknown places. Hard things take time, but you will get there with good planning and persistence.
At this stage of my life, I focus on creating innovative and delightful products, surrounding myself with good people, and leaving a better world with more opportunities for future generations. I am involved in management, engineering development, product design, and recruiting in the company I am currently leading with my twin @rosasalberto. As a leader, I am:
- Efficiency and results-driven
- Close with the people in the organization
- Holding myself and everyone accountable
- Rewarding best performers
- Open to new ideas
- Very critical about my strengths and weakness
- Xataka - Identidad digital única para todo: así es Didit, el proyecto español que anticipa lo que pretende implementar Europa
- El País - Una Identidad digital real y al alcance de todos gracias a Gamium
- Business Insider - Gamium, la última apuesta metaversa de Telefónica
- La Razón - Gamium quiere que olvides las contraseñas: Didit
- La Vanguardia - Gamium, Didit, la identidad digital
- El Español - Navegar en Internet con una cuenta y control de tu identidad digital definitiva
- 20 Minutos - Didit, la 'llave' digital para navegar por Internet sin registrarte una y otra vez
- Forbes - Las empresas españolas que triunfan en el metaverso