This project counts word occurrences in titles and abstract of 500 papers from 1990 to 1999, 2000 to 2009, 2010 to 2019 in order to represent trends and research biases.
The search was performed on with the search terms "aquatic vegetation" OR "macrophytes" OR "aquatic plants" OR "seagrass", within the fields of plant biology AND ecology.
The 500 better cited paper according the FCR index were selected for each time period according to the extraction limit from the platform.
Download the keywords.RMD file from the scripts folder to access the script in Rstudio
Download the keywords.HTML file to access the results in a web browser window
The data is available within the "data" folder on the repository.
The easiest way to access the files is to download (clone) the whole repository to a folder on your pc.
Text mining and word cloud fundamentals in R ressource: