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Ticketing App

Tickets Test Run & Coverage Orders Test Run & Coverage


This App is a learning project dedicated to Microservices, where I code along with my course in order to learn something new (Typescript) and refresh some dormant skills (Docker, K8s). I use NATS Streaming for messaging, a tiny client-facing Next app, JWT for user authorisation, Events, Middleware and lots of funky stuff that I didn't really use in Java.

Notably, this project is has made me get out of bed in some difficult times. It's a special kind of learning endorphines, which kept me pacing through this project, even if it's not really my cup of tea. I learned how to allow myself to make mistakes (commit a set of changes even if the tests aren't yet passing, fight with dependency issues, run into 'computer-fell-asleep' kind of problems, when paranormal issues impacted test runs).

I learned a lot, and this project is a steppting stone on my technical journey.


The stars of the show, the actors of this play, here are the Services used in this app:

  • auth

  • client

  • orders

  • tickets

  • payments (todo)

  • nats-test


  • NodeJS - version 16
  • "common" module which resides on and in a separate repository here on git (link TBP)

Auth Service

This service is in charge with Authorizing and authenticating users into the app. The available operations are: signin, signup, signout and currentUser.

A user will have

  email: string;
  password: string;

Client Service

This service is a nextJs application, which interacts with the local nginx controller (the loadbalancer of the application as a whole). Currently, the landing page contains some functionality for a user's signin status, or allow users to signin. The brand name for the app is "GitTix" - reminder to rebrand this one...

It looks like no actual ticket information is yet implemented.

Ticket service

Ticket Attributes

  • all fields are required
  title: string;  
  price: number; 
  userId: string;

Ticket Document Model

  title: string; 
  price: number;
  userId: string;
  version: number;


  • GET /api/tickets - returns all the tickets in the system
  • GET /api/tickets/:id - returns information about a given ticket id
  • POST /api/tickets - create a new ticket with title, price and userId. The user must be signed in to perform this operation. Results:
    • status code 201 - Ticket succkesfully created
    • status code 400 - RequestValidationError
      • title is required
      • price must be greater than 0

Events published by Tickets service:

TicketCreated Event
data: {
        id: string;
        version: number;
        title: string;
        price: number;
        userId: string;
TicketUpdated Event
data: {
        id: string;
        version: number;
        title: string;
        price: number;
        userId: string;

Orders Service

Mainly, an order contains: the reference of 1 Ticket, the userId who placed the order, an order status, version and expiration date.

Coming soon!


Work in progress







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