Phone, Tablet & Desktop HA-Bridge device control.
Code written in PHP that allows control of all @bwssytems ha-bridge devices, for use with a phone, tablet or desktop. It uses twitter bootstrap for mobile compatibility and fluidity.
* Linux box, preferably a Raspberry Pi * Apache * PHP * @bwssytems ha-bridge >= v1.1.0- On an updated functioning Linux box install Apache and PHP5:
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
$ sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 -y
- The ha-bridge now uses port 80 by default, change Apache default port:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
changingListen 80
toListen 8080
, save and exitCTRL + X
follow save prompt- Restart Apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Download, configure and run the ha-bridge as per @bwssystems' README
Install the HA-Brige Control in an empty directory:
$ cd /var/www/html/
$ ls -l
- Be sure to remove all files listed using the following command structure
$ sudo rm index.html
- Now clone the control code to your Raspberry Pi
$ sudo git clone .
- Set up and configuration:
$ cd includes
$ sudo nano config.php
- The DEFAULT ha-bridge IP is set to auto-detect
$SN = "localhost";
. Otherwise set according to your ha-bridge installation IP if on another machine, example:$SN = "";
- The DEFAULT ha-bridge port is 80, set according to your ha-bridge installation port
- The DEFAULT username is 'username', set according to your HA Bridge username (if set) -OR- your preference
- The DEFAULT password is 'password', set according to your HA Bridge password (if set) -OR- your preference
http://<host IP>:<Apache port>/control
- Items with DIM ability have a slider to select DIM level
- The "Power" icon buttons operate the device
- The "Wrench" icon buttons update the device's state in the ha-bridge
TIP: You can save the page to your homescreen on mobile devices and it will function like an app.