The code in the repository is a fork of [achartengine][homepage] at [google code][source]. I just added a pom to build the jar with maven to consume the artifacts in an android project I build with maven too. [source]: [homepage]:
The oldest still unresolved tickets in the chartengine issue tracker is to provide a maven artifacts for others to consume. One of the comments points to another mavenized fork to build the library. For me there where some problems:
- it is not up to date
- it produces an apklib instead of a jar like the offical release
- clone this repository
- cd achartengine/trunk/achartengine/
- mvn clean install
- add the dependency in to your projects pom
The qualifier behind the version number is the svn repository version of the current code in the git repository. Right now I only build the library. I do not build the demo that is provided on google code.
I am not the developer of achartengine. To contact the developers of achartengine please use the [issue-tracker][google-code-tracker] at google code to file bug reports, feature requests or any other feedback directly relating to achartengine.
If the code on [google-code][source] changes and I have not merged it into this repository please create an [issue][my issue tracker] or send me a pull request. [my issue tracker]: [google-code-tracker]: