Releases: ayx-builders/ayx_builders_pack
Releases · ayx-builders/ayx_builders_pack
Update to latest version of goalteryx
Update the Go tools to the latest version of goalteryx, which fixes a bug that occasionally causes tools to error because input metainfo is lost.
Eliminate crash edge case and improve tool progress messaging
In certain cases Clean Nulls would crash. This update fixes the crash.
The Clean Nulls and Field Sorter tools also have improved progress update messaging
Upgrade Go tools to latest version of SDK
v0.0.7 add tool family
Recompile Go tools with current version of goalteryx SDK
v0.0.6 add tool family
add NERD tool
Add Open Weather
v0.0.4 add Open Weather
Go buffer size increased
Upgrade to goalteryx v0.0.23 and increase the buffer size of the golang tools
Initial Release
Upgrade to v0.0.22 of GoAlteryx to fix a bug instantiating RecordInfo objects provided by the AMP engine.
Test installation files
v0.0.1 add logo and config file