Use Raspberry pi imager
For options:
sudo raspi-config
I wish there was screen layout editor
GUI in raspi settings display section present by default (like here), but it's not, so have to do it over the terminal.
# check what my display is named (HDMI-0 or HDMI-1)
# rotate the display (no reboot needed)
xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate left
Lasting GUI way:
To install the "Screen Configuration" tool (known as arandr or the Raspberry Pi "Screen Layout Editor") on your Raspberry Pi, follow these steps:
sudo apt install arandr
Tuomet preferences -> screen configuration -> layout -> bla ir nusistatyk kaip reikia.
Default GUI - pixel desktop
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install --reinstall raspberrypi-ui-mods
sudo raspi-config
# Go to System Options.
# Select Boot/Auto Login.
# Choose Desktop GUI, automatically logged in or Desktop GUI,
# requiring login based on your preference.
# reboot pi
- max 9 jobs gali buti atvaizduojami
- write to file how the temperature went during the night. Take reading at 5 different points in time maybe? separate cronjob? Then display them during in the magic mirror.
- write date when job was posted
- filter by job company
- wind information
- spanish word of the day
- paziurek ideju is lifeapi
- pridek rescuetime data
- koks oras madride
- pamegink linkedina del job searches
- pamegink google calendar embed i website (jokiu fetchu hopefully...) - possible, did it, but not actually needed for us
- arba google trends explore trends -
- google trends paskutiniu 24val LT -
- google trends united states 4 hour -
- alphavantage - tik 25 queires KRC -
- stocks - most advanced most declined
- stocks - top gainers
- stocks - top losers
- trading view stock charts from (unfortunately lags a lot)
- stocks - volume
- quote of the day
- google trends topics -
- notification when big change happened or smth like that. or simply show todays trends in telegram kaip zinute
- raspberry pi uptime
- Running eilutė kaip NASDAQe (labai trukineja ji raspberryje)
- fondu duomenys -
- humidity inside
- temperature in
- temperature out
- humidity UI sitaip SEK TIK 24h -
- log file for when was fetched and if successs or not (aisku matai in flask terminal, but anyway)
- switch one the display kai kas nors priarteja -,
- fix period for charts!!! make it dynamic
- covid cases (not so needed and kinda hard to fetch)
- population (not so needed and kinda hard to fetch)
- indication, that the page has refreshed
source ~/venvs/venv-mm2/bin/activate
# web app
pip install flask flask-socketio python-dotenv beautifulsoup4 requests
# humidity sensor
pip install adafruit-circuitpython-dht
# raspberry system info
pip install psutil gpiozero
Connect to pi from windows:
ssh arvypi@raspberrypi.local
# or:
ssh arvypi@
TTransfer files from local directory to raspberry - tranfer.bat
arvypi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Model
Model : Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Pin info -
I have humidity sensor and I want to read the humidity from it and print it to the console.
I want to do this every second. my sensor is DHT22 -
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.2%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.1%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.1%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.2%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.2%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 66.9%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 66.9%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.6%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.6%
I have such motion sensor -
its pins -
- TODO try to control delay
- TODO try to control sensitivity
- continuous process on the backend to fetch the data (cronjob)
- cronjob fetches every minute or so during 05:00 - 07:00 and 17:00 - 22:00
- when the cron job finished, usually it stores the results in a .json file
- on the frontend, we have a flask app
- flask app in itself has some socketio functions that READ data from the files
- We tell, with the help of javascript, how often to read the data of those files and then update the page with it
- backend, server (provides data, ways to read the data(connections to connect to))
- frontend, client (requests data)
def read_cvbankas_data():
file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "data/cvbankas_ads.json")
if os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
data = json.load(file)
return data
return {"error": "Data not found"}
@socketio.on('request_from_client_to_server_for_cvbankas_data') # this is the socket that the client will call
def handle_cvbankas_update_request():
# 'emit' is a Socket.IO method used to send events from the server to the client
# An alternative could be 'send', but 'emit' is more flexible as it allows custom event names
# Here, it sends the 'response_from_server_to_client_with_cvbankas_data' event with the data from read_cvbankas_data()
emit('response_from_server_to_client_with_cvbankas_data', read_cvbankas_data())
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
Server emitted response_from_server_to_client_with_cvbankas_data
, so when the client gets response_from_server_to_client_with_cvbankas_data
and data with it, it will call updateCvbankasData(data)
(create this js function) in domUpdates.js
Describe how the DOM will be changed with the received data:
export function updateCvbankasData(data) {
const jobsContainer = document.getElementById('cvbankas_jobs');
jobsContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous content
Add this to main.js
, dont forget to import the updateCvbankasData
function from domUpdates.js
socket.on('response_from_server_to_client_with_cvbankas_data', (data) => {
<div id="cvbankas_jobs" class="row"></div>
Update cronjob file or create a system service to run the script periodically.