This is a branch of ButtonForge originally created by Alternator
Author: Alternator (Massiner of Nathrezim)
Delete the entire ButtonForge folder inside ...World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns
Download the latest build on GitHub:
Unzip it somewhere
Move the ButtonForge folder that was unzipped to your AddOns folder
Open the TOC file and make sure Version is 0.9.60
## Interface: 90001
## Title: Button Forge
## Notes: Add as many or few extra Action Bars and Buttons to your user interface to complement the standard (or other) Action Bars
## Version: 0.9.60
## Author: Massiner of Nathrezim
... ... some more lines there -
Start World of Warcraft
If you suspect that you don't have the fix, continue to step 8.
With World of Warcraft running, reopen that TOC file and make sure it still at version 0.9.60, if not and you are using an add-on manager, make sure that it is not replaced by an old build.