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Import & Convert SQL files to Custom Post Types (CPT).



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Why SQL to CPT?

This plugin helps you migrate legacy SQL database tables to WordPress' Custom Post Types (CPT). It provides a user-friendly interface that enables users upload an SQL file which is then parsed and converted to a CPT with meta data that is recognisable within WordPress.

If you ever need to migrate a non-WordPress database table into WP, look no further. This is exactly what you need!



This custom hook provides a simple way to filter the name of the custom post type where the table contents that is being imported will be stored.

add_filter( 'sqlt_cpt_table_name', [ $this, 'custom_post_type_name' ] );

public function custom_post_type_name( $table_name ): string {
    if ( 'student' === $table_name ) {
        return 'custom_' . $table_name;


  • table_name {string} By default this will be the name of the imported SQL table.


This custom hook provides a simple way to filter the table columns that is being imported.

add_filter( 'sqlt_cpt_table_columns', [ $this, 'custom_columns' ] );

public function custom_columns( $columns ): array {
    $columns = array_map( '__', $columns );

    return $columns;


  • columns {string[]} By default this will be a string array of column names parsed from the table that is being imported.


This custom hook provides a simple way to filter the table rows that is being imported.

add_filter( 'sqlt_cpt_table_rows', [ $this, 'custom_rows' ] );

public function custom_rows( $rows ): array {
    $rows = array_map( 'santize_text_field', $rows );

    return $rows;


  • rows {string[]} By default this will be a string array of row values parsed from the table that is being imported.


This custom hook provides a way to filter the WP post values before import. An e.g is shown below where the post_title is filtered to use the first_name and last_name of the imported worker data.

add_filter( 'sqlt_cpt_post_values', [ $this, 'filter_post_title' ], 10, 2 );

public function filter_post_title( $args, $post_import ): array {
    if ( 'worker' === $args['post_type'] ?? '' ) {
        $args['post_title'] = sprintf(
            '%s %s',
            $post_import['first_name'] ?? '',
            $post_import['last_name'] ?? ''

    return $args;


  • args {mixed[]} By default this will be an associative array containg the familiar WP Post values (post_type, post_title, meta_input & post_status) to be inserted.
  • post_import {mixed[]} By default this will be an associative array containg the key, value pair of the imported data.


This custom hook provides a way to filter the post labels of the CPT that is imported.

add_filter( 'sqlt_cpt_post_labels', [ $this, 'custom_labels' ] );

public function custom_labels( $labels ): array {
    if( 'Students' === $labels['singular_name'] ?? '' ) {
        $labels['singular_name']  = 'Student'

    return $labels;


  • labels {string[]} By default this will be a string array of containing the label values of the CPT.


This custom hook provides a way to filter the post options of the CPT that is imported.

add_filter( 'sqlt_cpt_post_options', [ $this, 'custom_options' ] );

public function custom_options( $options ): array {
    $options['show_in_menu'] = false;

    return $options;


  • options {mixed[]} By default this will be an array containing the post options of the CPT.