By Cuba Giesbrecht PiPOC (Pi Proof of Concept) is a Python program for a Raspberry Pi that reads the cars diagnostics and displays it on the display through its OBD2 port. It's called a proof of concept, since once I get a good working version I will rewrite it in something faster (most likely in C++).
For now it is being written specifically for my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with a 1024x600 IPS LCD in a 2004 Mazda RX-8. Some of the constants will be set with this in mind.
- Move OBD reading to a separate thread (Constant and in the background)
- Protect OBD requests from disconnects and hardware issues (Try catch)
- Clean up OBD display
Many similar products on the market are way overpriced for what they offer. This is a low cost solution that offers more functionality.
I am using the following libraries and will need to be installed:
these are the provided commands to install both:
python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user
pip install obd