DC-DFFN: Densely Connected Deep Feature Fusion Network with Sign Agnostic Learning for Implicit Shape Representation
The code is implemented and tested on Ubuntu 20.4 linux environment.
cd ./code
python evaluate/eval.py --expname shapenet --parallel --exps_folder_name trained_models --timestamp 2022_08_19_16_19_30 --checkpoint 1500 --conf ./confs/shapenet_vae.conf --split ./confs/splits/shapenet/shapenet_sofa_test_files.conf --resolution 100
cd ./code
python training/exp_runner.py --parallel
If you use this code in your research, please cite the following paper:
@article{basher2023dc, title={DC-DFFN: Densely Connected Deep Feature Fusion Network With Sign Agnostic Learning for Implicit Shape Representation}, author={Basher, Abol and Boutellier, Jani}, journal={IEEE Access}, year={2023}, publisher={IEEE} }
This code is based on SALD (https://github.com/matanatz/SALD), thanks for this wonderful work.