Hi there! I'm bbylw, a beginner in the world of development, eager to learn and grow. I have a strong interest in exploring the basics of coding, problem-solving, and understanding how technologies work together. Every day is a new opportunity to learn and improve my skills!
大家好!我是 bbylw,一名编程领域的小白,正在努力学习和探索中。我对代码的基础知识、问题解决方法,以及技术如何协同工作充满了兴趣。每一天都是学习和进步的好机会!
- 💡 Interests / 兴趣爱好: Learning programming foundations, solving small challenges, and exploring new tools / 学习编程基础知识、解决小问题、探索新工具。
- 🌱 Currently learning / 正在学习: Basic TypeScript, React Native, and database concepts / TypeScript 基础、React Native 和数据库基础概念。