This is a Telegram chatbot developed to assist in SUTD Design Odyssey's educational programmes. It features semi-automated workshop reminders and also hosts important workshop information.
This project saw an opportunity space in the mobile platform as a place to communicate with the students, as emails and posters tend not to capture the attention of the students.
Language: Python Release Python 3.7.3 |
Python Telegram API: Python Telegram
Telegram API: Telegram Bot API
The following python libraries are used:
- python telegram
- pytz
- googleapiclient
Note that this set of source code is tailored to be used on AWS Servers (Amazon Web Services).
In case you don't have the python library to help you create the virtual environment, run the following command
pip install virtualenv
Create your virtual environment. Choose any name for your virtual environment.
virtualenv <name of virtual environment>
Activate your virtual environment. For mac/linux users,
source <name of virtual environment>/bin/activate
For windows users,
source <name of virtual environment>/Scripts/activate.bat
Now, on the left of the current working directory, where you type your command, there should be the name of virtual environment encapsulated in brackets, something like,
(teleEnv) D:\Desktop\SUTD\5th rows\DO\DO EXCO\DO Bot\teleEnv\Scripts>
Now you're ready to install the python dependency libraries stated above into the current virtual environment.
pip install pytz
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
pip install python-telegram-bot
You may observe in the source codes that another library named "boto3" is also imported. That library is part of AWS runtime libraries so it will be included in the runtime environment when you run your code on AWS servers.
You need to set up the api key before using python to access your google drive. Set up your own Python google API key by following the instructions in the link: Python Quickstart | Google Docs API | Google Developers
- Move all the files into the "site packages" folder.
- ZIP up the contents of the folder.
!!! caution Caution For Step 2, be sure to zip the contents inside the folder and not the folder itself !!!
For actual use, upload the zip file into an AWS lambda function
- Google api client credentials
- Bot API key(optional)
- AWS lambda account