7b0947a Add optimization and translation functions for sequences (#11)
49d4f53 Create FUNDING.yml
4e7ba37 Delete discord.yml
f2cec4c Read a FASTA file containing multiple sequences, extract the definition and sequence from each. (#37)
6145b4f Update installation.md
bd89570 added BuildFASTA function.
9471438 added GetSequence methods and tests. (#48)
5f1251c added issues and issue comments to discord notifications.
84f2367 create discord.yml.
9e993f8 fixed comment whitespace in io.go
37b2d28 implements CalcTM, which calculates primer melt temp (no mismatches) (#34)
58b967f tidying up comments in io.go and dependencies in go.mod and go.sum.
f5eca20 updated comments in io.go.