Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals. This app is meant to support a single bank, where users can signup and create bank accounts online, but must visit the branch to withdraw or deposit money..
Project Planned with PIVOTAL TRACKER
UI pages:
Api Url:
Hosted API on Heroku
API documentation
- Admin : email: [email protected], password: adminpass1
- Client: email: [email protected], password: clientpass1
Make sure you remove all default users if you are running in production, the above users are for
testing purposes and it is not recommended to have them if you are using this app for production purpose or atleast just change the credentials
- Clone the repository by running the code below:
git clone
- cd into the repository:
cd Banka
- Open the repository in terminal and Install dependencies by running:
npm install
- Create a .env file in the root directory and setup your token SECRET
- Run "npm start" to start the app or "npm run start:dev" for nodemon to watch
npm run start:dev
- Use Postman to test all endpoints
- Run "npm test" to test all endpoints or "npm run test:dev" for development
npm run test:dev
ES6: See here for details.
NodeJS: An open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment which allows you enjoy the features of Javascript off the web browsers and implement server-side web development. Visit here for details.
ExpressJS: This is the web application framework for Node.js Visit here for details.
Airbnb JavaScript style guide was adopted as a coding convention, see here for details.
Note: Project is still under development