web application for listing the latest/top-rated/popular movies from themoviedb , with a simple but elegant UI. This application also allow you to like and comment movies using Involvment API and stores user liked items in the browser local storage.
Deployed to Github Pages
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Webpack
to use this repo please follow this steps :
You need npm to run the webpack commands, if you don't already have it go to this link to install it in your machine npm
- clone the repo :
- run
npm i
to install dependencies
- run
npm start
- run
npm build
to build project using webpack.
Unit Testing jest
You can run unit test using this command npm run test
These are list of test we have writed:
👤 Rachid Boudaoudi
- GitHub: @benwmx
- Twitter: @ben_wmx
- LinkedIn: Rachid Boudaoudi
👤 Ahmad Zia Yousufi
- GitHub: @ahzia
- Twitter: @ZiaYousofi
- LinkedIn: Ahmad zia Yousufi
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.