A general pipeline for mapping next-gen sequencing reads and calling variants
Here's the rough outline of how to use these scripts to do a simple mapping analysis. The mapping analysis uses BWA, and the variant calling uses GATK.
- Put uncompressed FASTQ file in folder
- Demultiplex reads with SABRE or another such program
- For each individual:
- Edit variables in
, especially the variables in "Paths to input files" - Call the individual analysis Makefile via the shell script by running
sh indiv_analysis
- Edit variables in
- When all individuals have been processed:
- Call the comparative analysis Makefile via the shell script by running
sh compare_analysis
- Call the comparative analysis Makefile via the shell script by running
- compare_analysis
- Calls the Makefile in comparative analysis mode, to be run after all individuals have been processed.
- config.mk
- User-defined variables such as paths to input FASTQ files
- data/
- Contains FASTQ files, plus barcode data for demultiplexing [optional].
- full_analysis.mk
- The Makefile for the Mapping analysis. Called via
sh indiv_analysis
orsh compare_analysis
- The Makefile for the Mapping analysis. Called via
- genomes/
- Contains folders, each containing an indexed genome.
- indiv_analysis
- Calls the Makefile in individual analysis mode, to be run once per individual.
- pbs/
- Example PBS files for submitting jobs for the different parts of the analysis
- reports/
- Informational reports generated as the pipeline runs
- results/
- Output files generated as the pipeline runs
- scripts/
- Contains all programs needed for the pipeline.