Just wanted to bring in one place every piece of useful information helping to perform pentests. I'm doing my best to structure it and to be clear. Hope it will become a huge and great resource one day, and not only for internal pentests - e.g. OSINT, redteam, external pentests, IoT evaluations...
- @harmj0y
- @agsolino
- @FuzzySec
- @nikhil_mitt
- @mattifestation
- @subTee
- @byt3bl33d3r
- @ropnop
- @sixdub
- @enigma0x3
- @Pyrotek3
- @HackingDave
- @tifkin_
- @gentilkiwi
- @Kevin-Robertson
- @mysmartlogon
- @424f424f
- @0xbadjuju
- @rasta-mouse
- @cn33liz
- @api0cradle
- @zerosum0x0
- @hatRiot
- @JosephBialek
- @killswitch_gui
- @xorrior
- @Brav0Hax
- @_wald0
- @CptJesus
- lgandx
- And everyone I forget...
Feel free to help me ;)