A few bitcoin tutorials about subjects a bit hard to gather from scattered sources.
To run:
0 - You need a working Rust installation on your system. To do that, head to https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
1 - Change the following constants in pertinent bins e.g. taproot_tx/main.rs:
// -->> SET THESE FIRST! <<--
const BITCOIND_PATH: &str = "Your path to bitcoind here. Include the file in the path.";
const BITCOIN_CONF_PATH: &str = "Your path to bitcoin.conf here. Include the file in the path.";
const TEMP_PATH: &str = "Your path to a temp folder here.";
2 - To run the Segwit P2WPKH tutorial, enter the following command in repo's root directory via the terminal:
cargo run --bin p2wpkh_tx
3 - To run the Taproot tutorial, enter the following command in repo's root directory via the terminal:
cargo run --bin taproot_tx
Happy Rusting plebs.