PACMAN 🎮 in the x86 Assembly Language using the Irvine32 Library
A simple take on the PACMAN game 🎮 . Written in the x86 Assembly Language using the Irvine32 Library for the graphics, it aims to recreate the basic gameplay of the retro game.
It consists of three levels, each level having a greater number of ghosts 👻 and increasing in the difficulty level. The player starts of with three lives ❤️❤️❤️ and finishes the game by collecting all the coins 🪙 in each level. Collisions with the ghosts 👻 leads to the loss of lives 💔, wherein colliding with the ghosts 👻 four times results in game over.
The game has a simple color scheme and uses a Retro Aesthetic Scheme paying a tribute to the games 🎮 of the Retro Era.
Written in the x86 Assembly Language, it uses the Irvine32 Library for the graphics and MASM as the assembler. The game utilizes the basic concepts of PROCS, Stacks, Arrays and the functions for graphics provided by the Irvine32 Library.
Simpy download and run the "Proj.exe" executable. Ensure that the "Proj.exe", the music files and the "output.txt" file are placed in the same directory, otherwise the music won't play and the Hall of Fame won't work as it is supposed to.