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Add VAD_channel to perform VAD by channel
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jwijffels committed May 6, 2024
1 parent 0ca8192 commit c3de76d
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Showing 7 changed files with 198 additions and 10 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: audio.vadwebrtc
Type: Package
Title: Voice Activity Detection using the 'webrtc' Toolkit
Version: 0.1
Version: 0.2
Maintainer: Jan Wijffels <[email protected]>
Authors@R: c(
person('Jan', 'Wijffels', role = c('aut', 'cre', 'cph'), email = '[email protected]', comment = "R wrapper"),
Expand All @@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ Imports:
Rcpp (>= 0.11.5),
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
## CHANGES IN audio.vadwebrtc VERSION 0.2

- Added function VAD_channel to detect voice in audio by channel which depends on reading/writing audio data with R package audio and converting an audio file to a specific sample_rate with R package av

## CHANGES IN audio.vadwebrtc VERSION 0.1

- Added function VAD to detect voice in audio
Expand Down
136 changes: 130 additions & 6 deletions R/vad.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ print.VAD <- function(x, ...){
cat(" - file:", x$file, "\n")
cat(" - sample rate:", x$sample_rate, "\n")
cat(" - VAD type: ", x$type, ", VAD mode: ", x$mode, ", VAD by milliseconds: ", x$milliseconds, ", VAD frame_length: ", x$frame_length, "\n", sep = "")
if("channel" %in% names(x$vad_segments)){
x$vad_segments <- x$vad_segments[x$vad_segments$channel %in% 0, ]
x$vad_stats <- x$vad_stats[x$vad_stats$channel %in% 0, ]
cat(" - Percent of audio containing a voiced signal:", paste(round(100*x$vad_stats$pct_has_voice, digits = 1), "%", sep = ""), "\n")
cat(" - Seconds voiced:", round(x$vad_stats$seconds_has_voice, digits = 1), "\n")
cat(" - Seconds unvoiced:", round(x$vad_stats$seconds_has_no_voice, digits = 1), "\n")
Expand All @@ -117,7 +121,8 @@ print.VAD <- function(x, ...){
#' \item{first considering all non-voiced segments which are small in duration (default < 1 second) voiced}
#' \item{next considering voiced segments with length less than a number of seconds (default < 1 second) non-voiced}
#' }
#' @param x an object of class VAD
#' @param x an object of class VAD as returned by \code{\link{VAD}} or \code{\link{VAD_channel}}
#' @param channel integer with the channel, showing the voiced section of that channel only. Only used for segments extracted with \code{\link{VAD_channel}}
#' @param units character string with the units to use for the output and thresholds used in the function - either 'seconds' or 'milliseconds'
#' @param ... further arguments passed on to the function
#' @return A data.frame with columns vad_segment, start, end, duration, has_voice indicating where in the audio voice is detected
Expand All @@ -130,14 +135,15 @@ print.VAD <- function(x, ...){
#' voiced
#' voiced <- is.voiced(vad, silence_min = 200, units = "milliseconds")
#' voiced
is.voiced <- function(x, units = "seconds", ...){
is.voiced <- function(x, channel = 0, units = "seconds", ...){

#' @param channel integer with the channel, showing the voiced section of that channel only
#' @param silence_min minimum duration of a segment with only silence
#' @param voiced_min minimum duration of a voiced segment
#' @export
"is.voiced.webrtc-gmm" <- function(x, units = c("seconds", "milliseconds"), silence_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), voiced_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), ...){
"is.voiced.webrtc-gmm" <- function(x, channel = 0, units = c("seconds", "milliseconds"), silence_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), voiced_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), ...){
x <- x$vad_segment
units <- match.arg(units)
silence_min <- silence_min / 1000
Expand All @@ -162,11 +168,21 @@ is.voiced <- function(x, units = "seconds", ...){

#' @param channel integer with the channel, showing the voiced section of that channel only
#' @param silence_min minimum duration of a segment with only silence
#' @param voiced_min minimum duration of a voiced segment
#' @export
is.voiced.default <- function(x, units = c("seconds", "milliseconds"), silence_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), voiced_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), ...){
"is.voiced.webrtc-gmm"(x, units = units, silence_min = silence_min, voiced_min = voiced_min, ...)
"is.voiced.webrtc-gmm-bychannel" <- function(x, channel = 0, units = c("seconds", "milliseconds"), silence_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), voiced_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), ...){
x$vad_segments <- x$vad_segments[x$vad_segments$channel %in% channel, ]
"is.voiced.webrtc-gmm"(x, channel = channel, units = units, silence_min = silence_min, voiced_min = voiced_min)

#' @param channel integer with the channel, showing the voiced section of that channel only
#' @param silence_min minimum duration of a segment with only silence
#' @param voiced_min minimum duration of a voiced segment
#' @export
is.voiced.default <- function(x, channel = 0, units = c("seconds", "milliseconds"), silence_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), voiced_min = ifelse(units == "milliseconds", 1000, 1), ...){
"is.voiced.webrtc-gmm"(x, channel = channel, units = units, silence_min = silence_min, voiced_min = voiced_min, ...)

Expand All @@ -181,4 +197,112 @@ segment_collapse <- function(x){
x <- x[order(x$vad_segment, decreasing = FALSE), ]
rownames(x) <- NULL

#' @title Voice Activity Detection per channel
#' @description Voice Activity Detection per channel.
#' Transforms the audio file to a wav file with the provided \code{sample_rate} and perform the voice activity detection per channel.
#' @param file the path to an audio file
#' @param sample_rate integer with the \code{sample_rate} to convert the file to. Passed on to \code{\link[av]{av_audio_convert}}
#' @param channels character string - either 'default' or 'all' indicating to do the voice activity detection for each channel independently ('default') or for all channels independently as well as all channels together ('all')
#' @param ... further arguments passed on to \code{\link{VAD}}
#' @return an object of class \code{webrtc-gmm-bychannel} which is a list with elements
#' \itemize{
#' \item{file: the path to the file}
#' \item{duration_secs: seconds}
#' \item{sample_rate: the sample rate of the audio file in Hz}
#' \item{channels: the number of channels in the audio}
#' \item{samples: the number of samples in the data}
#' \item{bitsPerSample: the number of bits per sample}
#' \item{bytesPerSample: the number of bytes per sample}
#' \item{type: the type of VAD model - currently only 'webrtc-gmm'}
#' \item{mode: the provided VAD mode}
#' \item{milliseconds: the provided milliseconds - either by 10, 20 or 30 ms frames}
#' \item{frame_length: the frame length corresponding to the provided milliseconds}
#' \item{vad_segments: a data.frame with columns channel, vad_segment, start, end and has_voice where the start/end values are in seconds}
#' \item{vad_stats: a list with elements channel, n_segments, n_segments_has_voice, n_segments_has_no_voice, seconds_has_voice, seconds_has_no_voice, pct_has_voice indicating the number of segments with voice and the duration of the voice/non-voice in the audio}
#' }
#' Channel 0 means all audio combined in 1 channel.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(audio)
#' library(av)
#' file <- system.file(package = "audio.vadwebrtc", "extdata", "stereo.mp3")
#' vad <- VAD_channel(file, sample_rate = 32000,
#' mode = "normal", milliseconds = 10, channels = "all")
#' vad
#' vad$vad_segments
#' voiced <- is.voiced(vad, channel = 0, silence_min = 0.2, voiced_min = 1)
#' voiced
#' voiced <- is.voiced(vad, channel = 1, silence_min = 0.2, voiced_min = 1)
#' voiced
#' voiced <- is.voiced(vad, channel = 2, silence_min = 0.2, voiced_min = 1)
#' voiced
VAD_channel <- function(file, sample_rate = 16000, channels = c("default", "all"), ...){
items <- match.arg(channels)
i <- av::av_media_info(file)
duration <- i$duration
channels <- i$audio$channels
#tempfile_wav_allchannels <- tempfile(pattern = "allchannels_", fileext = ".wav", tmpdir = tempdir(check = TRUE))
#tempfile_wav_onechannel <- tempfile(pattern = "onechannel_", fileext = ".wav", tmpdir = tempdir(check = TRUE))
tempfile_wav_allchannels <- tempfile(pattern = "allchannels_", fileext = ".wav")
tempfile_wav_onechannel <- tempfile(pattern = "onechannel_", fileext = ".wav")
els <- c(tempfile_wav_allchannels, tempfile_wav_onechannel)
av::av_audio_convert(audio = file, output = tempfile_wav_allchannels, format = "wav", sample_rate = sample_rate, verbose = FALSE)
av::av_audio_convert(audio = file, output = tempfile_wav_onechannel, format = "wav", sample_rate = sample_rate, verbose = FALSE, channels = 1)
## By channel - VAD
out <- list()
if(channels > 1){
audio_content <- audio::load.wave(tempfile_wav_allchannels)
out <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(audio_content)), FUN = function(i, ...){
## Get audio of that channel + save to file
audio_content_channel <- audio_content[i, , drop = FALSE]
audio::save.wave(audio_content_channel, tempfile_wav_onechannel)
## Do the voice activity detection, add channel information to identified voiced/non-voiced segments
vad <- audio.vadwebrtc::VAD(tempfile_wav_onechannel, ...)
vad$vad_segments$channel <- rep(i, nrow(vad$vad_segments))
vad$vad_stats$channel <- i
vad[c("vad_segments", "vad_stats", "samples", "bitsPerSample", "bytesPerSample", "milliseconds", "frame_length", "type", "mode")]
}, ...)
if(items == "all"){
## Do the voice activity detection for all channels combined and call it channel 0
vad <- audio.vadwebrtc::VAD(tempfile_wav_allchannels, ...)
vad$vad_segments$channel <- rep(0, nrow(vad$vad_segments))
vad$vad_stats$channel <- 0
vad <- vad[c("vad_segments", "vad_stats", "samples", "bitsPerSample", "bytesPerSample", "milliseconds", "frame_length", "type", "mode")]
out[[length(out) + 1]] <- vad
#lapply(out, FUN = function(x) x[c("samples", "bitsPerSample", "bytesPerSample", "milliseconds", "frame_length", "type", "mode")])
settings <- out[[length(out)]][c("samples", "bitsPerSample", "bytesPerSample", "milliseconds", "frame_length", "type", "mode")]
settings$samples <- NA
out <- lapply(out, FUN = function(x) x[c("vad_segments", "vad_stats")])
out <- lapply(out, unclass)

results <- list(file = file,
duration_secs = duration,
sample_rate = i$audio$sample_rate,
channels = channels,
samples = settings$samples,
bitsPerSample = settings$bitsPerSample,
bytesPerSample = settings$bytesPerSample,
milliseconds = settings$milliseconds,
frame_length = settings$frame_length,
type = settings$type,
mode = settings$mode,
vad_segments =, lapply(out, FUN = function(x) x$vad_segments)),
vad_stats =, lapply(out, FUN = function(x)$vad_stats))))
results$vad_segments <- results$vad_segments[, c('channel', 'vad_segment', 'start', 'end', 'has_voice')]
results$vad_stats <- results$vad_stats[, c('channel', 'n_segments', 'n_segments_has_voice', 'n_segments_has_no_voice', 'seconds_has_voice', 'seconds_has_no_voice', 'pct_has_voice')]
class(results) <- c("VAD", "webrtc-gmm-bychannel")

Binary file added inst/extdata/stereo.mp3
Binary file not shown.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions man/VAD_channel.Rd

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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions man/is.voiced.Rd

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