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fix(pyproject.toml): fix syntax error in pyproject.toml, breaking Build #39

fix(pyproject.toml): fix syntax error in pyproject.toml, breaking Build

fix(pyproject.toml): fix syntax error in pyproject.toml, breaking Build #39

Workflow file for this run

## Docs Readme Publish ##
## Reusable Workflow ##
# 1. Gets state on tagged commit
# 2. creates an empemeral branch
# 3. pushes the empemeral branch to GitHub
# 4. creates a PR from empemeral branch to docs-auto branch
# 5. merges the PR into docs-auto branch, on successful Docs Build
# 6. Deletes the empemeral branch
###### Quick Release Tagging #######
# export tt='quick-release'; git tag -d "$tt"; git push --delete origin "$tt"; git tag "$tt" && git push origin "$tt"
############## OR ##############
# export tt='quick-release'
# git tag -d "$tt"
# git push --delete origin "$tt"
# git tag "$tt"
# git push origin "$tt"
# PR: empemeral-doc-updates --> docs-auto
# Trigger only on push of a 'quick-release' tag, on any branch
# on tag with name 'quick-release' only
- quick-release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
# Add repository path as for Git global config by running `git
# config --global --add <path>`
# Default: true
set-safe-directory: ''
- run: git log --graph --decorate --color --all --stat
### CREATE BRANCH doc-updates-carrier-sl ###
- run: git checkout -b doc-updates-carrier-sl
- run: git push -u origin HEAD
### CREATE BRANCH docs-release-candidate-sl ###
- run: git checkout master
- run: git checkout -b docs-release-candidate-sl
- run: git push -u origin HEAD
- run: git log --graph --decorate --color --all --stat
# here Codacy does not trigger, because branch does not have more than 2 commits over that past 2 weeks
# see:
# probably not needed
- run: git checkout doc-updates-carrier-sl
############## PR ##############
- name: 'Create PR doc-updates-carrier-sl --> docs-release-candidate-sl'
# --head is the branch where the changes were developed
# --base is the branch you want to merge the changes into
run: |
gh pr create --head doc-updates-carrier-sl --base docs-release-candidate-sl \
--title "Documentation Updates - Merge to Docs-Release sl Branch" \
--body "This PR is automatically generated by a GitHub Action workflow. \
It contains documentation updates that were pushed to the 'quick-release' tag. \
Tag 'quick-release' -> Branch 'doc-updates-carrier-sl' -> Branch 'docs-release-candidate-sl' \
Automatic merge happens, if the Documentation Build, on RTD CI, was Successful! \
Please do not close this PR manually."
############## Merge ##############
- name: 'Merge PR doc-updates-carrier-sl --> docs-release-candidate-sl'
run: gh pr merge doc-updates-carrier-sl --auto --delete-branch --squash
# HEAD is now at docs-release-candidate-sl
- run: git fetch
- run: git log --graph --decorate --color --all --stat
- run: echo "Expect above log to proove local and origin empemeral-doc-updates branches are deleted"
- run: git log --graph --decorate --color --all --stat
############## PR ##############
- name: 'Create PR docs-release-candidate-sl --> master'
# --head is the branch where the changes were developed
# --base is the branch you want to merge the changes into
run: |
gh pr create --head docs-release-candidate-sl --base master \
--title "Documentation Updates - Release (Merging to 'master' branch)" \
--body "This PR is automatically generated by a GitHub Action workflow. \
It contains documentation updates that were pushed to the 'release' branch. \
To verify Docs CI Build passed, see the PR's 'Checks Section', in this web UI \
Next, steps if needed should be: \
1. Verify only docs/ folder or mkdocs.yml file where changed, excluding commits that might happen after this PR had opened \
2. Update, commit, and push below files to br release, to Bump Sem Ver for new Release \n \
- README.rst\n \
- src/cookiecutter_python/\n \
- pyproject.toml\n \
- docs/\n \
3. Update, commit, and push CHNAGELO.rst, with new release info \n \
4. Merge this PR into 'master' branch \
After that, a tag on master branch should follow up.
Then making requires Releases/Deployments/Uploads can also follow up. Eg: \n \
- Python Distribution upload to PyPi \n \
- Docker Image upload to Docker Hub \n \
- GitHub Release upload to GitHub \n"