Releases: bounswe/bounswe2017group10
Releases · bounswe/bounswe2017group10
A nearly complete web and Android experience with the following functionalities:
- Item-based recommendation system
- A featured feed that shows popular and complete heritage items
- Semantic search to find items related to topics, locations, times you are interested
- Authentication
- Profile features
- Profile picture
- View your created heritages
- View your favourited heritages
- View heritages close to your location
- Content creation/viewing/editing/deleting
- Name, description, tag support
- Image uploading via URL, local storage, and camera
- Entering location information via Google Maps
- Enter time-frames for cultural heritages
- Edit, or delete your heritage items if you wish
- Commenting on heritage items
- Favoriting heritage items
Minimum viable product with authentication and content viewing/creation on web and android. Main functionalities are:
- Authentication
- Content creation/viewing
- Simple profile pages
- Basic feed
- Navigation
Head over to Atlas to visit the webpage. In later releases, we will provide an endpoint on Atlas to download Android builds for the latest version and also for each release.