Features created for IBM Liberty
LibertyStatus.esa Displays information about the Application Server and status of the applications that are deployed. Includes hostname, App Server name, access time, Liberty version number and Java version and release The application names are listed and their current status and are able to stop/start them. REST endpoint has been added.
To install wlp/bin/installUtility install LibertyStatus.esa --to=usr
Include in server.xml in the <featureManager>
the following feature: <feature>usr:LibertyStatus</feature>
Access via : http://hostname:port/LibertyStatus
REST Access via : http://hostname:port/LibertyStatus/rest
Requires to use all features. Cannot have JEE 8 features enabled or the OSGI Subsystem needs to import JEE 8 features.
Registers Liberty servers with the hostname, servername, version, and java information. Good for large environments and keeping track of the versions of Liberty that are installed and their current characteristics.
Consists of a User Feature, that should be installed on the Clients and a Server application that can be installed on a central Liberty Server. A database is required. The Client sends data to the Server using JSON and is only sent upon startup of the Client.
To install wlp/bin/installUtility install LibertyRegistration.esa --to=usr
Include in server.xml in the <featureManager>
the following feature: <feature>usr:LibertyStatus</feature>
The server.xml also requires the following information:
<libertyRegistration host="hostname.domain.com" port="9443" protocol="https"/>
Both HTTP and HTTPs protocols are supported.
The server application, LibertyRegistrationServer.war
, can be dropped into the dropins folder.
Include in following in the server.xml:
Also required is a dataSource with the jndiName="jdbc/LibertyRegistration"
<dataSource jndiName="jdbc/LibertyRegistration" statementCacheSize="10" type="javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource">
<jdbcDriver javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource="com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource">
<fileset dir="${server.output.dir}/resources" includes="mysql-connector-java-5.1.43-bin.jar"/>
<properties URL="jdbc:mysql://paskin.grishnackh.ibm.com:3306/devworks" password="{aes}ADJBkR+8qAkjs+xNKNbQYZlhma1F9pOpPcoRg1frgFQZ" user="brian"/>
Database ddl:
hostname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
serverName VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
libertyVersion VARCHAR(11) NOT NULL,
jdkVersion VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL,
jreVersion VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Server PRIMARY KEY (hostname,serverName)