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R Package Template

Brad Cannell edited this page Mar 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page is not intended to be a "how to" guide for creating R packages. For that, see Hadley's R Packages book or my R Notes. This page is about what happens on the GitHub side after you've created a repository for the project.

Page contents

Projects {#projects}

  1. Add to the Development Projects project.

  2. Add to the R Package Development project.

  3. An individual package project.

The Development Projects project

Here is a link to the Development Projects project.

Here is what what use it for.

Here is a template for the card you add to the board. Need to add

The R Package Development project

Here is a link to the R Package Development project.

Here is a template for the card you add to the board. Need to add

Individual package projects

It doesn't make sense to create a GitHub project for every R package you create. Some of them aren't that complex or involved. Additionally, you can always create one later if it seems like a good idea.

  1. Here is a link to an R package template project.



Issue labels

Here is a template for issue labels, descriptions, and colors.

Label Description Color Additional Notes
bug Something isn't working #d73a4a
documentation Improvements or additions to the documentation #0075ca Hex sticker, add packagedown, update README.
duplicate This issue or pull request already exists #cfd3d7
enhancement New feature or functionality #a2eeef
good first issue Good for newcomers #7057ff
help wanted We'd love your help! #008672
quick These tasks may not be the most critical, but they should all be pretty quick. #e4e669 Potentially good for triage. Let's get these knocked out and move on.
question General questions - not an issue/task #d876e3
future Things to consider in the future #7057ff I'm not sure I want to keep this one. Going with it for now.

2023-08-01: I'm completing this in a little bit of a hurry, so I can't document this as well as I'd like.

  • These labels only exist in this form in codebookr and compare.file.directories. I didn't have time to change the others.

  • You may want to create a function in your templates package that sets the issue labels automatically. See an example in the Quilt package.
