(c) 2018 by
Alexander Schindler, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Website: http://ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~schindler - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Slychief
Thomas Lidy, Musimap
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomaslidy/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/LidyTom
also visit: https://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Deep-Learning-Meetup
Deep Learning has re-entered the field of Machine Learning with a big bang. Tasks that were difficult and cumbersome to solve are now simple to implement and achieve amazingly high accuracies. Deep Learning has shown substantial impact recently also in the domain of audio recognition and music classification. This tutorial will give a general introduction to Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, plus important concepts such as (batch-)normalization, training epochs, activation, loss, optimization, pooling, dropout, model fine-tuning, etc. and a tutorial on how to apply all of this on tasks of audio and music recognition using the convenient Python Keras framework on top of Tensorflow.
Part 1 - Deep Learning Basics
- Audio Processing Basics
- History of Neural Networks
- What is Deep Learning
- Neural Network Concepts
- Coding Examples
Part 2 - Convolutional Neural Networks
- Difference CNN – RNN
- How CNNs work (Layers, Filters, Pooling)
- Application Domains and how to use in Music
- Coding Examples
Part 3 - Instrumental, Genre and Mood Analysis
- Large-scale Music AI at Musimap
- Instrumental vs. Vocal Detection
- Genre Recognition
- Mood Detection
- Coding Examples
Part 4 - Advanced Deep Learning
- Similarity Retrieval
- Siamese Networks
- Learning Audio Representation from Tag Similarity
- Coding Examples
For the tutorials, we use iPython / Jupyter notebook, which allows to program and execute Python code interactively in the browser.
If you do not want to install anything, you can simply view the tutorials' content in your browser, by clicking on the tutorial's filenames listed above in the GIT file listing.
The tutorials will open in your browser for viewing.
If you want to follow the tutorials by actually executing the code on your computer, please install first the pre-requisites as described below.
After that, to run the tutorials go into the mlprague2018_tutorial
folder and start from the command line:
jupyter notebook
Note: On most Mac and Linux systems Python is already pre-installed. Check with python --version
on the command line whether you have Python 3.x installed.
Otherwise install Python 3.5 from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-350/
(on Windows leave out sudo
Important note: If you have Python 2.x and 3.x installed in parallel, replace pip
by pip3
in the following commands:
sudo pip install --upgrade jupyter
Try if you can open
jupyter notebook
on the command line.
Then download or clone the Tutorials from this GIT repository:
git clone https://github.com/slychief/mlprague2018_tutorial.git
or download https://github.com/slychief/mlprague2018_tutorial/archive/master.zip
unzip it and rename the folder to mlprague2018_tutorial
Install the remaining Python libraries needed:
Either by:
sudo pip install Keras>=2.1.1 tensorflow scikit-learn>=0.18 pandas librosa spotipy matplotlib
or, if you downloaded or cloned this repository, by:
cd mlprague2018_tutorial
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to train your neural networks on your GPU (which is faster, but not necessarily needed for this tutorial), you have to install the specific GPU version of Tensorflow:
sudo pip install tensorflow-gpu
and also install the following:
- NVidia drivers
- cuDNN (requires registration with Nvidia)
In order to decode MP3 files (used in the MagnaTagAtune data set) you will need to install FFMpeg on your system.
- Linux:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
- Mac: download FFMPeg for Mac: http://ffmpegmac.net and make sure ffmpeg is on PATH
- Windows: download https://github.com/tuwien-musicir/rp_extract/blob/master/bin/external/win/ffmpeg.exe and make sure it is on the PATH
Please download the following data sets for this tutorial:
GTZAN Music Speech Classification
https://owncloud.tuwien.ac.at/index.php/s/JiBXUPZK9LImTHB (145MB)
https://owncloud.tuwien.ac.at/index.php/s/hivOGXKoUQtacbo (332MB)
These are prepared versions from the original datasets described below.
The following helper Python libraries are used in these tutorials:
: by Thomas Lidy and Alexander Schindler, taken from the RP_extract git repositorywavio.py
: by Warren Weckesser
The data sets we use in the tutorials are from the following sources:
GTZAN Music Speech: by George Tzanetakis Collected for the purposes of music/speech discrimination. Consists of 128 tracks, each 30 seconds long. Each class (music/speech) has 64 examples in 22050Hz Mono 16-bit WAV audio format. http://marsyasweb.appspot.com/download/data_sets/
MagnaTagAtune: http://mirg.city.ac.uk/codeapps/the-magnatagatune-dataset