Simple image server for manipulating S3 stored images
from my_app import app
from imageserver import init_imageserver
init_imageserver(app, s3_bucket='bucket-name')
This provides the following routes.
is the desired output widthheight
is the desired output heightpath
is the path to the object within the S3 bucket
The available transformations are:
returns an image for the input width/height with no surrounding whitespace maintaining the aspect ratiocover
returns an image whose sizes are exactly the ones specified. The original image is scaled down to cover entirely the specified area and then the exceding parte of the image are "cut out" to fit the new aspect ratiocrop
returns an image whose sizes are exactly the ones specified. The reduced image is obtained picking it from a rectangle of the same sizes from the center of the image
Note: This library does not cache the image, the idea is that this should be placed behind a CDN (such as CloudFront) and caching will occur there.