Maintainer wanted: This project is no longer maintained, feel free to take it over if you're interested :)
A full GFM implementation in javascript. Additional smart features supported and enabled by default. Live demo is available.
GFM supported, code hilighting, math supporting, task list, smarter list, para alignment.
npm install marktex
Minimal usage:
console.log(marktex('**markdown** is wonderful'));
//output: <p><strong>markdown</strong> is wonderful</p>
Options and callback:
var options = {
gfm: true,
marktex: true
marktex('**markdown** is wonderful', options, function (err, content) {
if (err) throw err;
Markdown string to be parsed.
Type: Object
Option object for marktex.
Type: Function
Callback function with error-string as the first arg, parsed-content as the second arg.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable GitHub flavored markdown.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable GFM tables. Requires the gfm
option to be true.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable GFM todo. Requires the gfm
option to be true.
Type: Function
Default: null
Return: string
Highlight interface, used for highlight code blocks. Takes language specification and code string, returns html. Requires the gfm
option to be true.
options = {
highlight: function(codeString, language){ return highlight(lang, code).value; }
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable GFM line breaks. Requires the gfm
option to be true.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable MarkTex, features include task-list, math interface, para-alignment, smarter list ,etc.
Type: Function
Default: null
Return: string
Math interface, used for rendering math code. Takes math code, isInline and language, returns html. Requires the marktex
option to be true.
options = {
math: function(mathString, isInline, language){
return isInline ? '<span class="mathjax">\\('+mathString+'\\)</span>'
:'<div class="mathjax">\\['+mathString+'\\]</div>';
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Smarter list rendering. Different symbol in unsorted list, and consecutive \n
in all list, will split lists. Requires the marktex
option to be true.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Smarter blockquote rendering. Consecutive \n
will split blockquote. Requires the marktex
option to be true.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable paragraph alignment. Requires the marktex
option to be true.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Conform to original markdown, do not fix any of bugs or poor behavior.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Ignore any HTML that has been input.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Use "smart" typograhic punctuation for things like quotes and dashes.
Type: Renderer
Default: new Renderer()
A renderer instance for rendering ast to html. Learn more on the Renderer section.
Renderer renders tokens to html.
var r = new marktex.Renderer()
r.code = function(code, lang) {
return highlight(lang, code).value;
console.log(marktex(text, {renderer: r}))
- code(code, language)
- math(math, language)
- blockquote(quote)
- html(html)
- heading(text, level)
- hr()
- list(body, ordered)
- listitem(text)
- todo(body)
- todoitem(text, checked)
- paragraph(text)
- aligned_paragraph(text, alignment)
- table(header, body)
- tablerow(content)
- tablecell(content, flags)
could be:
align: 'center',
indent: '2em'
could be:
header: true,
align: 'center'
- strong(text)
- em(text)
- codespan(code)
- mathspan(math)
- br()
- del(text)
- link(href, title, text)
- image(href, title, text)
Lexer produces tokens from markdown text input.
var options={};
var lexer = new marktex.BlockLexer(options);
var tokens = lexer.lex(text);
Parser reads markdown text, outputs html. Renders and lexers can be customed within a parser.
var renderer = new marktex.Renderer();
renderer.heading = function(text, level) {
return '<div class="h-' + level + '">' + text + '</div>'
var parse = function(src, options) {
options = options || {};
return marktex.parse(marktex.blockLex(src, options), options);
console.log(parse('# h1', {renderer: renderer}))
A lot thanks to marked implemented by Jeffrey. Marktex is developed based on marked.