A very basic python3 tool for bruteforce password in smtp server.
The first argument is the txt file with passwords.
The second argument is the username or email of the target.
The third is the smtp server you want to attack.
The last is the smtp port you want to attack.
Example: python3 smtpcrack.py wordlist.txt [email protected] smtp.gmail.com 465
Python version: 3.0
Libraries: smtplib, sys, threading, colorama, pyfiglet, time (all available in python3).
This script has been created for ethical hacking and penetration-testing purposes.
Do NOT use it without permission of the target.
I am not responsible for what can be done with this script.
Nowadays you cant crack gmail password with this method, the reason is that you need to turn on acces to insecure apps(disabled by default).
You can find a lot of password lists on the internet only by searching them but they arent efficient.
Best option is to create a custom list with cupp or similar tools.
You cant install them with pip3 install libraryname
If you have any other problem with this script you can report the issue here!