BuildPulse is a CI observability and optimization platform that helps you find and fix flaky tests instantly, as well as help cut test times in half.
This Jenkins plugin works with our free tier (+ others), and allows you to easily connect your Jenkins CI workflows to BuildPulse.
- Locate the BuildPulse credentials for your account at
- In your Jenkins settings, create a username and password credential with the ID:
(values can be found in the BuildPulse Dashboard) - Populate the
in your Jenkinsfile (values can be found in the BuildPulse Dashboard) - Add a step to your Jenkins workflow to use this plugin to send your test results to BuildPulse:
post {
always {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'buildpulse-credentials', usernameVariable: 'BUILDPULSE_ACCESS_KEY_ID', passwordVariable: 'BUILDPULSE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]) {
buildpulseStep accountId: env.BUILDPULSE_ACCOUNT_ID, repositoryId: env.BUILDPULSE_REPOSITORY_ID, path: "/spec/reports", key: env.BUILDPULSE_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secret: env.BUILDPULSE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, commit: env.GIT_COMMIT, branch: env.GIT_BRANCH
Required The unique numeric identifier for the BuildPulse account that owns the repository.
Required The unique numeric identifier for the repository being built.
Required The path to the XML file(s) for the test results. Can be a directory (e.g., test/reports
), a single file (e.g., reports/junit.xml
), or a glob (e.g., app/*/results/*.xml
Required The Jenkins Credential (Username and Password) ID. For the credential, set the username to the value of BUILDPULSE_ACCESS_KEY_ID
in the dashboard. Set the password to the value of BUILDPULSE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
in the dashboard.
Required The SHA for the commit that produced the test results.
If your workflow checks out a different commit than the commit that triggered the workflow, then use this input to specify the commit SHA that your workflow checked out. For example, if your workflow is triggered by the pull_request
, but you customize the workflow to check out the pull request merge commit, then you'll want to set this input to the pull request HEAD commit SHA.
Required The branch of the current build.
Optional The path to the local git clone of the repository (default: workspace directory).
Optional The paths to the coverage file(s) for the test results (space-separated).
Optional Tags to apply to this build (space-separated).
Optional Quota ID to count this upload against. Please set on BuildPulse Dashboard first.
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'ruby:3.0.5' // Specify the Ruby container image you want to use
args '-u root' // Optionally, specify additional Docker container run arguments
environment {
GIT_REPO_URL = '' // Replace with your repository URL
GIT_BRANCH = 'main' // Replace with your repository branch
BUILDPULSE_ACCOUNT_ID = '' // Replace with your BuildPulse account ID
BUILDPULSE_REPOSITORY_ID = '' // Replace with your BuildPulse repository ID
stages {
stage('Clone Repository') {
steps {
script {
echo 'Cloning the repository...'
scmVars = git branch: "${env.GIT_BRANCH}", url: "${env.GIT_REPO_URL}", credentialsId: 'github'
stage('Setup & Test') {
// install dependencies & run tests
post {
always {
buildpulseStep account: env.BUILDPULSE_ACCOUNT_ID, repository: env.BUILDPULSE_REPOSITORY_ID, path: "/spec/reports", keyCredentialId: 'buildpulse-credentials', commit: env.GIT_COMMIT, branch: env.GIT_BRANCH