Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
Foundry consists of:
- Forge: Ethereum testing framework (like Truffle, Hardhat and DappTools).
- Cast: Swiss army knife for interacting with EVM smart contracts, sending transactions and getting chain data.
- Anvil: Local Ethereum node, akin to Ganache, Hardhat Network.
- Chisel: Fast, utilitarian, and verbose solidity REPL.
$ forge build
$ forge test
$ forge fmt
$ forge snapshot
$ anvil
forge --version
forge 0.2.0 (7f41280 2024-11-30T00:24:04.195299000Z)
# this WORKS : deploys correctly on BARTIO and verifies the contract
forge script script/Counter.s.sol:CounterScript \
--account X_DEPLOYER2 \
--rpc-url ${BARTIO_RPC_URL} \
--broadcast \
-vvvvv \
--verify --verifier custom \
--verifier-url '' \
--verifier-api-key "verifyContract" \
--chain 80084
# this only deploys but the verification steps fails (at least sometimes) with:
# Response: `NOTOK`
# Details: `Error: contract does not exist 80084 0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe`
forge create script/Counter.s.sol:CounterScript --broadcast \
--rpc-url ${BARTIO_RPC_URL} --account X_DEPLOYER2 --verify --verifier custom \
--verifier-url '' --verifier-api-key "verifyContract" \
--chain 80084
# Trying to verify the contract deployed above (but where verification failed) does not work (?!)
❯ forge verify-contract 0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe src/Counter.sol:Counter --watch \
--verifier custom --verifier-url '' \
--verifier-api-key "verifyContract" \
--chain 80084 -vvvvv --rpc-url $BARTIO_RPC_URL
Start verifying contract `0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe` deployed on 80084
Submitting verification for [src/Counter.sol:Counter] 0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe.
Submitted contract for verification:
Response: `OK`
GUID: `5fe8e033-fe0e-591e-a796-bff70a63a613`
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Error: Compilation successful, but bytecode does not match with deployed bytecode for address 0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe, please check your parameters`
# another try, this time with more specific params for compiler and evm version
# in case forge verify-contract has a but and does not pick them up from the foundry.toml
# also no go :(
❯ forge verify-contract 0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe src/Counter.sol:Counter --watch \
--verifier custom --verifier-url '' \
--verifier-api-key "verifyContract" \
--num-of-optimizations 200 --evm-version "cancun" --compiler-version "0.8.13" \
--chain 80084 -vvvvv --rpc-url $BARTIO_RPC_URL
Start verifying contract `0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe` deployed on 80084
Compiler version: 0.8.13
Optimizations: 200
Submitting verification for [src/Counter.sol:Counter] 0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe.
Submitted contract for verification:
Response: `OK`
GUID: `14c8391f-684f-5bec-8088-66db9ce58e6a`
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Pending in queue`
Warning: Verification is still pending... (7 tries remaining)
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Pending in queue`
Warning: Verification is still pending... (6 tries remaining)
Contract verification status:
Response: `NOTOK`
Details: `Error: Compilation successful, but bytecode does not match with deployed bytecode for address 0xA4f4C07A01F7995587044c9F1f97440DF3dBbFBe, please check your parameters`
$ cast <subcommand>
$ forge --help
$ anvil --help
$ cast --help