I'm Daniel 1, a Graphics Engineer based on Madrid, Spain.
⚡ I code about : Performance
, Image Processing
, 2D/3D Rendering
, Dev Tools
, and a bit of Web applications
🙊 Fluent in : C++
, OpenGL
, Vulkan
, Python
, Js
, also Spanish
and English
🌳 Exploring : Zig
, Odin
, Kompute
and Vulkan for AI
🛠️ Dev Tools
- CCPM - Helps to simplify external dependencies on a CMake project
🧊 Render / Animation
- Bretema Engine - A WIP 2 translation of Vonsai project to Vulkan
- Vonsai - An OpenGL renderer with some abstractions
- IMOG - Interactive MOtion Graph - Master Thesis exploring how to create transitions between (skeletal) animations
🌍 Web Apps
- Astro + ESLint template - Fast web project initalization with dev tooling ready