In this project you can find a utility packages developed for the Google Maps JavaScript API V3.
Documentation for the utility packages below can be found at
- @googlemaps/jest-mocks Jest mocks for Google Maps in TypeScript
- @googlemaps/loader - Dynamic loader for Google Maps script using Promise or callback patterns
- @googlemaps/ogc - WMS Layers and more(tbd)
- @google/markerclusterer - Cluster nearby markers
- @google/markerclustererplus - Extended version of @google/markerclusterer
- @googlemaps/markermanager - Show and hide markers based on zoom and bounds to improve performance
- @google/markerwithlabel - Markers with labels and matching events
The following packages have never been officially published and are not maintained. Please open an issue to prioritize their inclusion.
- ArcGIS Server Link
- CanvasLayer
- ExtOverviewMapControl
- Geolocation Marker
- InfoBox
- InfoBubble
- KeyDragZoom
- MapLabel
- RichMarker
- RouteBoxer
- StyledMarker
- Google Maps VS Documentation
- Google Maps V3 Reference Documenations
- Google Maps Typings - Community supported
npm i -D @types/googlemaps
- Google Maps V3 Samples
These libraries are community supported. We're comfortable enough with the stability and features of the libraries that we want you to build real production applications on it.
If you find a bug, or have a feature suggestion, please [log an issue][issues]. If you'd like to contribute, please read [How to Contribute][contrib].