First install this package using composer:
composer require stephanecoinon/mailtrap
use StephaneCoinon\Mailtrap\Client;
use StephaneCoinon\Mailtrap\Model;
// Instantiate Mailtrap API client
$client = new Client('your_mailtrap_api_token_here');
// Boot API models
This package includes a Laravel service provider (tested for Laravel v5.4).
Add your Mailtrap API token to your .env
Then add mailtrap in your config/services.php
'mailtrap' => [
'token' => env('MAILTRAP_API_TOKEN'),
Finally, if your app runs on Laravel < 5.5, register the Mailtrap service provider in config/app.php
'providers' => [
// ...
* Package Service Providers...
// ...
// ...
Otherwise it will be discovered automatically on Laravel >= 5.5.
use StephaneCoinon\Mailtrap\Inbox;
// Fetch all inboxes
$inboxes = Inbox::all();
// Fetch an inbox by its id
$inbox = Inbox::find(1234);
// Get all messages in an inbox
$messages = $inbox->messages();
// Get a message by its id
$message = $inbox->message(123456789);
// Get the last (newest) message in an inbox
$newestMessage = $inbox->lastMessage();
// Delete all messages from an inbox
$inbox = $inbox->empty();
$inbox = (new Inbox)->empty(1234); // alternative syntax using the inbox id
// Determine whether the inbox contains a message for a given recipient e-mail
$recipientReceivedMessage = $inbox->hasMessageFor('[email protected]');
// Get message recipients as an array
$recipients = $message->recipientEmails();