caio is an emulator of hardware platforms with a strong focus on old 8-bit home computers.
At the moment the following platforms are emulated:
- Commodore 64
- Sinclair ZX-80
- Sinclair ZX-Spectrum 48K
The emulation of the Commodore 64
reached beta status. Most of the tested programs work (there are still some
issues with few advanced games that use specific video/timing tricks).
It supports audio, joystick interfaces, the cartridge CRT format, and the
C1541 disk drive unit (read and write), the D64 file format is not supported
The emulation of the NES
platform is completed but not all the cartridge
mappers are implemented, yet.
The Family BASIC keyboard
is supported.
Only the NTSC version of this machine is implemented so games for the USA and
Japan markets should run without any problems.
The Sinclair ZX-80 came with 4K ROM
and 1K RAM. Soon after its introduction several RAMPACKs appeared, these
extended the RAM up to 16K.
When the ZX-81 came out, its 8K ROM was also available for the ZX-80.
caio supports the original configuration, the 16K RAM extension and
the 8K ROM.
Tape files .O and .P are supported (read and write).
The emulation of the
Sinclair ZX-Spectrum 48K
reached beta status. Only the 48K version of this machine is emulated.
caio supports the integrated 1 bit audio, the Kempston joystick interface,
the cassette TAP file format (read and write) and snapshot files Z80 and SNA.
At the moment the supported host platforms are Linux and macOS.
Refer to the Compile & Install guide.
Refer to the Usage & Configuration guide.
The first release is underway and it includes the following platforms:
Desired for future releases: