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Carlos Eduardo Marciano edited this page Sep 11, 2019 · 10 revisions


Welcome to the Interactive Flowchart wiki!

The latest stable release is v1.2.2-beta and can be downloaded here.

User Guide

If you are interested in a list of functionalities, the most up-to-date version allows you to:

  • Access the flowchart on mobile devices;
  • Add as many courses and semesters as you want while keeping a dynamic and automatic overall design;
  • Click on courses to toggle complete/incomplete status:

Image showcasing above functionality should be here

  • Click on multi-credit blocks to trigger a slider that allows you to select how much of a block you have completed:

Image showcasing above functionality should be here

  • Automatically save your data through cookies in your device;
  • When clicking/touching and holding over a course box, other courses required for its completion will light up in the flowchart (if they exist):

Image showcasing above functionality should be here

  • Display completed semesters in yellow when their respective courses have been completed:

Image showcasing a completed semester should be here

  • Disable flowchart editing by toggling the Lock button (top right corner of the screen) so you don't accidentally touch a course and unintentionally toggle its completion. A white background means that editing is allowed, while a green background (as shown below) means that editing is locked:

Image showcasing the lock button should be here

  • Resize the window without interfering with the app's resolution (except for tooltip and sliders).
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