- Introduction
- Features ⚡
- Technologies involved
- Project videos
- The DoX team 👨💻
- Guide to compiling 🚀
- InternalWiki
The DoX Editor aims to be a web text editor application that allows users to create, edit, store and share several documents.
DoX is clearly inspired to well known online word processors such as Google Docs
This project spans from 22 November 2021 to 20 December 2021 (28 days).
Developed as part of the final group project for the Software Atelier 3: The Web 9 ECTS course.
The course is part of BSc INF (2nd year) at Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), in Lugano.
You can check out Dox at https://dox.crfda.com
Create and edit documents on a per-user basis.
Store documents on the servers database.
Real-time collaborative editing between users.
Document sharing through links and/or by granting permissions to individual users.
Email confirmations sent by the server through the DoX mailserver.
Used to store the document and user data.
Toolkit for building rich-text editors, easily scalable and extensible.
Allows the server to send email confirmations to the users that sign up on DoX.
HTTP server handling all the routes and traffic.
Authenticates users and makes the Express routes behave based on evaluating the user's status and permissions.
Tracks active users on the site. Relays important database change events and synchronization data between users. Shares session data with Passport.js for additional authentication. Fundamental for real-time collaborative editing.
Responsive and pre-styled DOM elements.
Albert Cerfeda | |
Alessandro Gobbetti | |
Denis Karev | |
Bojan Lazarevski | |
Enrico Benedettini |
After cloning the repo install all the required NPM modules.
npm install
In order for the application to run, we first need to build some required components, one of which is the editor itself.
npm run build
Finally run the application locally with
npm run local
You should be good to go now 😈