FreeSWITCH socket client written in Go
go get
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fsock.go is released under the MIT License. Copyright (C) ITsysCOM GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
package main
import (
// Formats the event as map and prints it out
func printHeartbeat(eventStr string, connIdx int) {
// Format the event from string into Go's map type
eventMap := fsock.FSEventStrToMap(eventStr, []string{})
fmt.Printf("%v, connIdx: %d\n", eventMap, connIdx)
// Formats the event as map and prints it out
func printChannelAnswer(eventStr string, connIdx int) {
// Format the event from string into Go's map type
eventMap := fsock.FSEventStrToMap(eventStr, []string{})
fmt.Printf("%v, connIdx: %d\n", eventMap, connIdx)
// Formats the event as map and prints it out
func printChannelHangup(eventStr string, connIdx int) {
// Format the event from string into Go's map type
eventMap := fsock.FSEventStrToMap(eventStr, []string{})
fmt.Printf("%v, connIdx: %d\n", eventMap, connIdx)
func main() {
// Init a syslog writter for our test
l, errLog := syslog.New(syslog.LOG_INFO, "TestFSock")
if errLog != nil {
l.Crit(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot connect to syslog:", errLog))
// Filters
evFilters := make(map[string][]string)
evFilters["Event-Name"] = append(evFilters["Event-Name"], "CHANNEL_ANSWER")
evFilters["Event-Name"] = append(evFilters["Event-Name"], "CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE")
// We are interested in heartbeats, channel_answer, channel_hangup define handler for them
evHandlers := map[string][]func(string, int){
"HEARTBEAT": {printHeartbeat},
"CHANNEL_ANSWER": {printChannelAnswer},
"CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE": {printChannelHangup},
errChan := make(chan error)
fs, err := fsock.NewFSock("", "ClueCon", 10, evHandlers, evFilters, l, 0, false, errChan)
if err != nil {
l.Crit(fmt.Sprintf("FreeSWITCH error:", err))
<- errChan