A GraspIt plugin to search for good grasp(s) with an arbitrary hand, object, obstacle(s) and quality metric, using CMA-ES.
First install GraspIt: http://graspit-simulator.github.io/build/html/installation_linux.html
Then install this package:
git clone --recursive [email protected]:chen-tianjian/cmaes-grasp-planning.git
cd cmaes-grasp-planning
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
cd build
$GRASPIT/build/graspit_simulator -p libcmaesgraspplanning
- In the GraspIt GUI, load the "plannerMug.xml" world file (by "File-Open"), add the Epsilon quality metric (by "Grasp-Quality Measures").
- In the plugin GUI, load the "barret_hand_mug.xml" optimization config file (by "Load Config").
- Then click "Plan grasp".
Note: You can create other config files by following the "barret_hand_mug.xml", keep in mind that the dimension of the bounds and x0 need to match the robot hand (format: palm X, Y, Z, R, P, Y, and finger joint angles).