Combine Apache Hivemall(incubating) and digdag together.
Generate Hivemall queries and Digdag workflow for TreasureData from YAML file.
$ pip install git+
# will generate queries directory and titanic.dig
$ generate_workflow --overwrite -dest titanic.dig resources/titanic_pipeline.yml
$ td wf push proj-name
$ td wf start proj-name titanic --session now
Example YAML files can be found as follows:
The following YAMLs are example config files for Titanic survival prediction with Logistic Regression.
- titanic_pipeline.yml
- Example workflow for Linear Regression and Random Forest
- Generated files are under examples/titanic
- titanic_pipeline_rf.yml
- Example workflow for Random Forest
- Generated files are under examples/titanic_rf
- titanic_pipeline_oversample.yml
- Example workflow for Linear Regression with oversampling
- Generated files are under examples/titanic_oversample
- titanic_pipeline_pos_oversample.yml
- Example workflow for Linear Regression with oversampling for positive class
- Generated files are under examples/titanic_pos_oversample