Term 4 Second Assessment on 5 November 2023
A mobile app project using .NET MAUI and SQLITE implementation.
This is a card-matching game, with the features listed below:
- Three levels of difficulty: Easy (4x3), Medium (4x4) and Hard (4x5)
- Theme options: Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery. Each theme affected the images shown on the card.
- Scoreboard: Showing the score of each level the user has achieved, with a sorting feature.
- Feedback form as a form of maintenance management.
- CommunityToolkit.Maui for StatusBar's Behavior
- CommunityToolkit.Mvvm for MVVM Architecture Pattern implementation
- akgul.Maui.DataGrid for DataGrid control of the scoreboard
- PropertyChanged.Fody to notify classes with INotigyPropertyChanged implemented
- SkiaSharp.Extended.UI.Maui for Lottie animation implementation in the UI
- sqlite-net-sqlcipher for data encryption
- SQLitePCLRaw packages for database
- Card-matching games:
- https://github.com/GiorgioCitterio/MemoryMAUI
- https://github.com/shawyunz/Matching.Maui
- (Image source) https://www.flaticon.com/
- Theme:
- DataGrid:
- Lottie animation:
- Implementing Lottie Animations in your .NET MAUI application
- (Animation source) https://lottiefiles.com/
- Database Encryption:
- StatusBar Behavior:
- Unit Testing: Unit Testing .NET MAUI Apps with xUnit