LinkNe is a program for estimating effective population size from LD at loci with known linkage relationships. A detailed description of the program can be found in:
Hollenbeck CM, Portnoy DS, Gold JR (2016) A method for detecting recent changes in contemporary effective population size from linkage disequilibrium at linked and unlinked loci. Heredity, 117, 207–216. [link]
Genepop file of diploid genotypes
- the file should contain only one population
- only the three-character allele format is currently supported
- missing genotypes are indicated with '000000'
Recombination rate estimates for at least a subset of the genetic markers. Two formats are allowed:
- A genetic map with the following format (note that map positions are in cM and the header is required):
locus chromosome position
loc1 1 5.0
loc2 1 15.0
loc3 2 50.5
- A square matrix of recombination rates (note that recombination rates are in Morgans). Example (equivalent to the map above):
loc1 0 0.05 0.50
loc2 0.05 0 0.50
loc3 0.50 0.50 0
The columns in the Ne.out file correspond to the following:
- MIDPOINT_C: The midpoint recombination rate of the bin
- MEAN_C: The mean recombination rate of the bin
- NE: The point estimate of effective population size
- PARA_95_LOW: Lower bound of 95% parametric confidence interval
- PARA_95_HIGH: Upper bound of 95% parametric confidence interval
- PAIRWISE: Number of pairwise locus comparisons used in the estimate
- S: Mean sample size
- CV: Coefficient of variation - from Hill (1981)
- EMP_95_LOW: Lower bound of 95% confidence interval based on CV from Hill (1981)
- EMP_95_HIGH: Upper bound of 95% confidence interval based on CV from Hill (1981)
- MEAN_R_SQ: Mean total r-square
- MEAN_EXP_R_SQ: Mean expected r-square
- R_SQ_DRIFT: R-square attributable to drift
- R_SQ_DRIFT_LOW: Lower bound of 95% confidence interval for r-square drift
- R_SQ_DRIFT_HIGH: Upper bound of 95% confidence interval for r-square drift
perl -i input_file -map linkage_map [options]
-i, --infile
Genepop input file - currently only supports three-character alleles where '000000' indicates a missing genotype
-map Linkage map in tab-separated format (with header):
<locus> <chromosome> <position>
locus chromosome position
loc1 1 5.0
loc2 1 15.0
loc3 2 50.5
Position values should be in centiMorgans
-m, --matfile
Matrix of recombination frequencies for loci
-o, --outfile
-b, --binsize
Size of bins (in Morgans) for estimating Ne [Default: 0.05]
-t, --timebin
Bin pairwise estimates of LD by generations (measured by 1 / 2c)
rather than by recombination frequency (c) itself
-a, --allele_cutoff
Cutoff frequency for excluding rare alleles from the analysis
[Default: 0.05]
-e, --rec_cutoff
exclude locus pairs below a specified recombination faction
[Default: No cutoff]
-c, --no_bias_corr
Turn off correction of expected r2 values using the bias
correction of Waples (2006) - not recommended except for
experimental use
-v, --moving_avg
Compute a moving average for effective size relative to
recombination rate. Must specify a window size and interval for
moving the window.
-w, --window
Size of sliding window for calculating moving average (in
Morgans) [Default: 0.01]
-n, --interval
Distance the sliding window moves for each calculation (in
Morgans) [Default: 0.005]
-s, --save
Saves relevant pairwise data to a file for later recalculation
of the moving average
The following perl modules are required for running LinkNe: