1. Rrs simulation with given IOPs [MATLAB]
2. QAA6 [python]
Open Water&Light: this repository implements some water-and-light interaction algorithms in ocean optics and remote sensing.
Simulate water-leaving radiance (Rrs) as used in:
The purpose of this package is for fast computation and analysis with changing IOPs (e.g., chl concentration); for a stricter simulation, please consider HydroLight/Ecolight by Mobley, et al.
To simulate Rrs, use OpenWL_simu_Rrs_from_IOP.py
, examples:
>> python OpenLW_simu_Rrs_from_IOP.py --chl 1:3:31 --mspm '[1,5,10,20,30]' --cdom '[0.05]'
==== input argument inspection:...
===== successfully finish the Rrs simulation ===========
===== written simulation result to: ./[_Rrs , _rrs_].csv ===========
>> python OpenLW_simu_Rrs_from_IOP.py --chl '[1]' --mspm '[1,5,10,20,30]' --cdom '[0.005 0.993]' --wavelength 400:5:901
>> python OpenLW_simu_Rrs_from_IOP.py -h
It uses a simplified water and light interaction empirical model: Rrs = f/PI * bb/(a + bb)
according to: Albert, A. and C. D. Mobley (2003)Optics Express. It does not count the impact of wind speed, temperature, etc. It was implemented in Matlab 2017b licensed to ECCC. should be compatible to versions>=2015b.
To simulate Rrs, use OpenWL_simu_Rrs_from_IOP.m
, examples:
>> Rrs=OpenWL_simu_Rrs_from_IOP(0.1:5:20.1,1:10);
====finish Rrs simulation, result written to:OpenWL_simu_Rrs_from_IOP_LELW_chl20_mspm10_cdom0.994.csv====
>> Rrs=OpenWL_simu_Rrs_from_IOP(0.1:5:20.1,1:10,[0.494,0.994],'bAB',false,'bSave',true,'waterIOP','waterIOP_SmithandBaker.txt','IOPname','LakeErie','wavelength',400:100:800);
====finish Rrs simulation, result written to:OpenWL_simu_Rrs_from_IOP_LakeErie_chl20_mspm10_cdom0.994.csv====
>> help OpenWL_simu_Rrs_from_IOP %show the help info
a comparison of Rrs derived from OpenWL and Ecolight on some test data as follows,
Rrs_HE_Ecolight | Rrs_OpenWL | Rrs_OpenWL_vs_Ecolight_scatter | WaterIdx_insitu_vs_simulation |
To simulate line-height water indexes for a specific sensor ['HYPER','OLCI','MSI','MERIS','OCI','VIIRS','OLI','MODIS_Aqua','MODIS_Terra'], use OpenWL_simu_water_index.m
, examples:
>> OpenWL_simu_water_index %use all default arguments as MCI index, over OCLI sensor
====finish sensor water index simulation, result written to:./TestData/OpenWL_simu_waterIDX_MCI_of_sensor_OLCI.csv====
>> OpenWL_simu_water_index('sensor','MERIS','waterIDX','CI') %same as CI model
====finish sensor water index simulation, result written to:./TestData/OpenWL_simu_waterIDX_CI_of_sensor_MERIS.csv====
>> OpenWL_simu_water_index('sensor','HYPER','waterIDX','user','designed_bands',[665, 674, 753]) %same as FLH model
====finish sensor water index simulation, result written to:./TestData/OpenWL_simu_waterIDX_user_of_sensor_HYPER.csv====
>> help OpenWL_simu_water_index %show the help info
and simulation result of the above 3 examples are:
Water index: MCI | CI | FLH (user-defined) |
2. QAA
implemented in python, files in ./QAA
. It relies on python packages: numpy
to run QAA, use ./QAA/OpenWL_QAA6.py
, examples:
work within
folder , then enter a python environment with numpy package. -
example1: use default parameters to run a csv file and save the result.
>>python .\OpenWL_QAA6.py --file 'Rrs_QAA_test.csv' -S
===QAA completed,the absorption of phytoplankton is written to file: aph_Rrs_QAA_test.csv ===
- example2: run a single spectra with customized parameters.
>>python .\OpenWL_QAA6.py --wavelength '412,443,489,510,555,670' --Rrs '0.0012,0.00169,0.00329,0.00404,0.00748,0.00346' '--eta' 2.0 1.2 -0.6 '--waterIOP' '../IOPfiles/waterIOP_SmithandBaker.txt'
===input params:h55x :[-1.1459, -1.36583, -0.46927],A:5,h66x:[0.39, 1.14],
eta:[2.0, 1.2, -0.6],zeta:[0.74, 0.2, 0.8],xi :[0.015, 0.002, 0.6]
===QAA completed,the absorption of phytoplankton at input bands [N*1,set 0 for failed values; unit: (1/m)]:
[0.27205821 0.4042206 0.26982815 0.25434736 0.12065384 0.23782884] ===
- more details:
>>> python .\OpenWL_QAA6.py -h
usage: OpenWL_QAA6.py [-h] [-N] [-U] [-R] [-F] [-W] [--h55x ] [--A] [--h66x ] [--eta ] [--zeta ] [--xi ] [-S]
Implementation of QAA version 6
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-N , --wavelength the wavelength of the input Rrs or rrs bands. default:[412,443,489,510,555,670]
-U , --rrs an sample of under water remote sensing reflectance, dimensions:N*1
-R , --Rrs an sample of above water remote sensing reflectance, dimensions:N*1; if rrs is given, then Rrs is ignored
-F , --file a csv file of *above* water remote sensing reflectance, if --file given, --rrs/--Rrs are ignored ; dimenion:N*M; where there is N samples, with M bands,
each row is a sample; example data: Rrs_QAA_test.csv
-W , --waterIOP water absorption curve, dimensions: N*3: 1st column as wavelength, 2nd column abs value (1/m), 3rd for scatter, consistent with Hydrolight; if not provided,
use water abs and bb from ../IOPfiles/waterIOP_sea_water.txt
--h55x parameters in QAA; step 2 left IF, h0,h1,h2
--A parameters in QAA; step 2 left IF, coeff in the log(...)
--h66x parameters in QAA; step 2 right
--eta parameters in QAA; step 4
--zeta parameters in QAA; step 7A
--xi parameters in QAA; step 7B
-S, --save flag to save the a_ph as .csv file, default is False