Setup and Execution instructions:
In order to install Nightwatch please refer to: In order to run mobile app testing with Nightwatch please refer to:
Once you have the configuration file ready edit the following parameters to match the apk
app: `${__dirname}/LoginRegisterApp.apk`,
appPackage: '',
appActivity: '',
In order to run the test you have to have the following packages that act as dependencies from npm: &
In any case I am also adding the package.json and nightwatch.conf.js files for extra help
After that you can do a fresh install of the dependencies using "npm ci"
To run the test go to your root folder and run "node nightwatch -e .\reydix-android.js"
Desired capabilities of Appium session are found on the repo in file "reydix.appiumsession"
Generated test report is found in file "" which is also on the repo
Scenarios covered:
- Succesful registration
- Succesful login
- Succesful logout
- Unsuccesful login
- Burger menu assertions
- Functionality of Demographics and Add Event