This directory contains some of the template files used in the article: O. Macias, C. Gordon, R. M. Crocker, B. Coleman, D. Paterson, S. Horiuchi and M.Pohl, "Galactic bulge preferred over dark matter for the Galactic centre gamma-ray excess", Nat. Astron. 2, no. 5, 387 (2018), doi:10.1038/s41550-018-0414-3 [arXiv:1611.06644 [astro-ph.HE]].
The X_CO conversion is in supplementary table 2 and can be used to convert from K km/s to column density for the first 3 annuli [out to 10kpc]. The outermost annuli conversion factor was too biased to report (see page 8 of paper).
The dust residual maps were fitted directly in fermitools, so there was no need for a gas-to-dust conversion. We therefore left its units in mag.
See the Wiki for file descriptions.