Ansible playbooks for installing vapoursynth, it's dependencies, select plugins and scripts on Ubuntu focal and jammy. Instructions for running against VirtualBox VMs are also included, primarily for test purposes.
The installation includes a sample script to confirm that your vapoursynth stack is successfully setup. The sample file is a black blank clip that is filtered by bm3d and processed through smoothlevels to verify a couple of complicated filter/script stacks. To run the sample script:
vspipe ~/samples/ .
and open the sample script in the vseditor.
To install ansible on ubuntu:
sudo apt install ansible
Run from focal or jammy branch
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts_local install_all.yml --ask-become-pass
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts_local install_vapoursynth.yml --ask-become-pass
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts_local install_plugins.yml --ask-become-pass
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts_local install_utilities.yml --ask-become-pass
- create vm:
- iso can be found here:
- allow ssh to guest via port forwarding
- install ssh:
sudo apt install ssh
- virtualbox settings -> network -> adapter 1 -> advanced:
- Under Port Forwarding: create a rule with host ip:port - and guest ip:port = blank:22
- Add local key to guest, to avoid having to use a password.
scp -P 2222 ~/.ssh/ [email protected]:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Switch to /bionic/ansible or /focal directory.
- Run playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts_virtualbox install_vapoursynth.yml --ask-become-pass
- Where are vapoursynth and the supporting scripts installed?
- They have been put here: /usr/local/lib/{your_python_3_version}/site-packages. Based on this:
- SSH key validation: For VirtualBox VMs, ssh key validation isn't necessary as they're ephemeral, as such we've included the following line in an ansible.cfg file:
host_key_checking = False
This should not be used for persistent hosts.
Problems with vapoursynth compilation? Look for libraries and paths in this thread:
"Failed to initialize Vapoursynth environment". Your environment can't read Do one of the following:
- Set the PYTHONPATH variable to the location of
- Create a link to in python's standard path, like /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/
- focal: address apt items deprecation warning message
- more instructive messages when ansible checks (like fail.